Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Get a Judgment Lin in Missouri?
My wife has a consent judgement against her former spouse in a matter of $50k+ arrears pension payments he owes to her. However his assets are in joint ownership with his current spouse and he refuses to agree on a repayment plan. Is there any way to perfect a lien on the husbands assets in Missouri?
08/10/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Missouri | #22876Is a Tenant Liable for Moth Damage?
I rented a fully furnished apartment for 30 days. The day after I moved out, the landlord contacted me saying that moths ruined his $5,000 and I have to pay for it! I have no idea how the moths got into the apartment but it was very dirty when I moved in. I didn't even sign a lease. Does the landlord have any legal recourse against me?
08/10/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Connecticut | #22874Can the Servient Owner Change the Location of an Easement?
I hold a deeded & recorded Driveway easement, obtained by the prior owner with a full legally described specific location, an accompanying survey map, across neighbor's property to my property line. language in the easement describes it as appurtenance, perpetual ,and running with the land. any transfer of the land by any means conveys the easement to successors, according to...
08/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Idaho | #22873How Do I Get a Co-Owner to Move Out of the Home?
My mom and Dad were divorced over 25 years ago. They each received 50% of house. My Dad cheated on my mom. Now she lives at home with Dementia;I am her daughter and caretaker. He drops by when he wants, won't move his things and says 'IT is MY house'. He refuses to leave my mom alone. He still has his mail delivered to my mom's house and is disrupting her stability. What can me...
08/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Partition | State: Michigan | #22871Who Pays the Utilities in an Oral Lease?
Who pays for utilities in a verbal tenancy at Will?
08/09/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Massachusetts | #22870If the Paternity is Proven Wrong, Can My Child Still Inherit?
if my x boyfriend signed the birth certificate on my daughter and she draws a check off his retirement and now my current x boy friend wants a dna test done if she turns out to be his and he starts paying child support would my daughters other check be cut out ?
08/09/2010 | Category: Paternity » Right to Inh... | State: Alabama | #22869Am I Liable for the Difference if the Seller Sold Me Something for the Wrong Price?
I bought a clown fish for $50 from a pet store. This particular clown fish did not have a price assigned to. I asked to buy it assuming it was $20 like the others in a separate tank. The price came up to be $50 and I paid it because it did have a unique design to it. About five hours later, the pet store calls and tells me that I bought a designer clown fish and that the price ...
08/09/2010 | Category: Contracts » Mistake | State: Texas | #22868How Do I Give Up Property Inherited Under a Will in New York?
my mother died in 2005 and will her estate to my brother who lives in Barbados and myself. He has has asked me to inform the executor that he wants his share to be given to me. What document is he required to write or filled out? Is there a sample letter for this ?
08/09/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: New York | #22867How Do I Get a Restraining Order in Texas?
I'm a career soldier. In the four years I've been divorced my ex wife has repeatedly threatened to go to my chain of command whenever I have so much as questioned anything she asked of me. Not wanting that kind of interference I have complied with whatever she has 'asked' me to do. On the occasions when I assert my rights with her, she sends me emails calling me names and re...
08/09/2010 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Texas | #22866Do I Have to Disclose an Expunged Record to The Nursing Licensing Board in California?
I am a registered nurse and am applying for a license in California. I had a burglary charge expunged from my record. Will the board of nursing have access to the expungment info for purposes of licensing when they run my FBI background check?
08/09/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Washington | #22865