Legal Questions and Answers
Is a New Roof a Capital Improvement or a Repair?
An Illinois trust has granted use of a residential property to the trustee who is responsible for all 'repairs and maintenance, taxes and insurance' on the property. A capital improvement fund is also provided for. The roof is 30 yrs. old and should be replaced. Is this a 'repair and maintenence' cost or a 'capital improvement'?
08/16/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Illinois | #22921Is a Joint Account Holder Liable for the Debt of the Other Account Owner?
Does having a joint checking account with someone in any way legally make you liable for the other parties debts or leins?
08/16/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Oregon | #22920How Are Labor Union and Business Defined?
what is the legal definition of a businessand the legal definition of a labor union/
08/16/2010 | Category: Unions | State: Colorado | #22919Can I Appoint an Out of State Trustee For My Trust?
Can a relative who is a resident of Indiana serve as trustee of my Ohio-generated revocable trust?
08/16/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Ohio | #22916How Do I Remove a Trustee in Virginia?
I have an incompetant trustee. How do I convene a judge in Virginia to remove him a go to the successor trustee? Do you have a lawyer you could call for me?
08/16/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #22915Is Property Divided Equally Among Siblings in a Will?
brother and sister are hiers to mothers home (real estate property). Sister is care giver while mother has Dimensia and lives in the home caring for her. When the will goes into effect is the property still divided equal between sister and brother? Also sister is executor for personal things while mother is incapable of handling finances etc. and is secretative about status i...
08/14/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Michigan | #22908Can A Person Claim Injury Damages for an Auto Accident if They Refused Treatment at the Scene?
My wife and two children were in a serious car accident on May 6th of this year. They were seriously injured but from what the cop told me the driver of the other vehicle had minor cuts and bruises. He refused medical treatment at the scene. Now three months later a risk management company sent me a letter saying he was injured at the accident. We did not have car insurance at ...
08/14/2010 | Category: Personal Injury | State: Illinois | #22907Can a 12 Year-Old in Texas Decide Which Parent to Live With?
My granddaughter will be 12 in Oct she wants to choose who she can live with due to home parental conflict . Is this possible?
08/13/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Texas | #22901Can I Be in Trouble for Installing Fake Security Cameras Aimed at a Neighbor?
I recently installed 3 fake security cameras. The neighbors--the reason I installed them to begin with--called the cops. The cops came out, took pictures of my back yard--I guess to show where the cameras were pointed. They are not pointed at any windows and may only slightly have shown any of the neighbors house even if they were real. So I asked the cop what was going on ...
08/13/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: Indiana | #22900What Wages am I Owed if My Employment is Terminated?
I just been fired from my work, I caused and accident no injuries. I have been working for this company for over 15 years, I also drove a utility truck for this company for over 10 years was I supposed to get paid for driving this utility truck I only got paid for the time I work.
08/13/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Arizona | #22899