Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Change My Name in New York After Getting Married?
I got married in puerto rico and reside in new york. I have the marriage license from puerto rico. I would like to change my last name to my husbands name. What do I need to do?
08/09/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #22864Can My Employer Change Me to Non-Exempt Status if My Job Duties Stay the Same?
If you are hired as an exempt employee with benefits offered to exempt status can you employer change you to non-exempt when you job description has not changed at all. Thereby losing 2 weeks vacation
08/09/2010 | Category: Employment | State: New York | #22863What Can I Do About a Slumlord in New Jersey?
My slumlord is in violation of every single one on the code lst and he owns MULTIPLE DWELLINGS! I'm sure all of his buildings are in ruins while innocent families die inside! i need a lawyer because he is threatening to have me evicted, I'm unemployed single mother who's father was in Operation Iraqi freedom and now suffers ptsd. This slumlord and the crooked corrupt politician...
08/09/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New Jersey | #22861What Do I Need to Get a Divorce in North Carolina?
Im in North Carolina. I'm getting a divorce. I'm in the army. I've done my packet and am about to get my court date. can i go to court without a lawyer? If so do i need anything specific? The divorce is mutual with both parties. The defendant does not even plan on showing up in court
08/09/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: North Carolina | #22857How Long Before A Felony Can Be Expunged in Texas?
My friend has a felony arrest record. He was not convicted but he still has the arrest record. It hinders him from getting employment. He is 2 years from being able to get it expunged. Is there anyway to get it done sooner. He has finished college and continue to try to get meaningful employment.
08/08/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Texas | #22856Can the Agent Change a Power of Attorney?
can my original power of attorney be changed or contested by the person i originally gave power of attorney to
08/08/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Louisiana | #22855What Are the Procedures for a Judicial Foreclosure in Florida?
i have a 1st and 2nd mortgage on property in Florida that i am upside down in and 3 payments behind on 1st and 1 payment on 2nd.(investment property HA!HA!not rented due to BP oil spill)My domicile is LOUISIANA,and i do not qualify with mtg. company for any relief)foreclosure looks like what will be next. what are the laws in Florida as for as doing a long arm attaching my self...
08/08/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #22853Is a Lien Good as Long as it is Foreclosed Within the Proper Time Frame?
A lien claimant must bring an action to foreclose on a lien within one year of filing of the lien statement. So as long as you start the court case within the year period the lien is good as long as the action is in court?
08/07/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Kansas | #22851How Do I Prove a Receipt is Inflated and Fraudulent?
I am was sued by my landlord for $2000.00 in small claims court. She produced fraudulent receipts of services that were never made in my apartment. The invoices on replacing a ceiling fan by a licensed electrician were fraudulent the receipt didn't have an invoice number and the cost of $1200.00 was outrageous. We were friends in the past but now she is doing everything to exto...
08/07/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Massachusetts | #22850Can Interest be Charged on a Judgment in Vermont?
In Vermont when you lose a case and the plantiff is awarded damages when can they legally start charging you interest? Can they start charging interest on the date that the case was filed?
08/07/2010 | Category: Judgments | State: Vermont | #22846