Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Have to Sell the House Back to My Father if He Wants it Back?
what happens if your parent transfered the house title to you and then he wants to transfer it back to him. The house is paid off
08/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: California | #22898What Recourse is There Against a Company Spy
mole. a person who uses a long affiliation with an organization to gain access to and betray confidential information. what charges or/ claims can you bring on such an entity. examples such as associates with official ranks as to be called a president,secretary etc. of the different entities in the affiliated corp.
08/13/2010 | Category: Consumer » Unfair Pract... | State: New York | #22896Can per diem income keep you from getting Section 8 housing?
I live in a public housing development in NYC. I work per diem which they are aware of. They are now threatning to terminate my lease due to unrealistic income. Is this legal?
08/12/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New York | #22892What forms are needed to evict a tenant in Florida?
i am looking at the site and do not know what to purchase to evict a tennant.
08/12/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Florida | #22891How Do I Put My House in My Wife's Name Only?
My wife and I own our Home, jointly, and it is paid for. What do I need to put it in her name only?
08/12/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Mississippi | #22890How Does a Substitution of Trustee Notice Affect My Lien on a Property?
I recieved a letter in the mail for substitution of trustee by code, this is on a house i owned previously and recorded a lien on with the county records office for a unpaid debt by the trustee. how will this effect the repayment or record of the lien or debt.
08/12/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #22889Can I Make the City Take Ownership of My Property if I Want to Abandon It?
My mother needs to leave her very dilapidated home in central New York state to move into a section 8 apartment. I'm not sure we could get a penny for the run down house which has ancient/dangerous/ barely functional water and electrical. She owns it outright and there is no insurance on it. How can it be legally abandoned? We want to make sure the title passes out of her name...
08/11/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: New York | #22884Can I Keep a Person's Property if They Owe Me Money?
I was hired to move stuff from a house friends were letting go into foreclosure, before mortgage company took possession of the property. I moved an antique piano (at my own expense $230, but I did not have their permission before hand) to my house for safe keeping. I moved their other possessions to their other home and told them they owed me $350 for that alone. They refused ...
08/11/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Georgia | #22882Does the Church Have to Show Me a Defamatory Letter Written About Me?
If somebody accuses me of something (unethical behavior) and puts that in writing, should I not be entitled to see that accusatory piece of writing before having to respond to it? isn't it my right to total disclosure of information in as far as my very own person is concerned? This is NOT about anything that breaks the law, and it happened in the environment of the church to w...
08/11/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Georgia | #22879How Do I Get Property Back if the Buyer Died Before Paying For It?
We sold a house,held the lien, (balloon note) which would have been due in Dec., 2011. Buyer died. What is necessary to get it back in our name?
08/10/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Florida | #22877