Legal Questions and Answers
How is a Successor Agent or Executor Named?
My mother-in-law in PA is 85 and had her oldest son set up as power of attorney and executor. Both are having health problems now. Is there any legal way to have another son/daughter take over as power of attorney or executor? The mother's lawyer has said that there isn't. The eldest son has just started dialysis and also has vision problems.
08/17/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #22939How Do I Title Property to Pass to My Son When I Die Outside Probate?
If I as a single person take title to a property with me and my son on the deed would it transfer to him if I were to die. Would it have to go through probate? I live in Ky. This is for my sister in Texas.
08/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #22937Is a Boyfriend Entitled to the House After Living Together 26 Years?
Recently my fathers , girlfriend of 26 years, has up and left him. She notified me that her and Donn, were moving back to Wisconsin. After talking to my dad, they never had this conversation. She is currently at her residence here and left my 81 year old dad at the property and residence there. They have bought many items while together and this property was always in her name....
08/17/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: Wisconsin | #22935How Do I Expunge a Misdemeanor in Mississippi?
I have a Domestic Dispute (Simple Assault) charge on my record due to an argument with my girlfriend in 2002. I served a weekend in jail and 30 days on house arrest and paid a $500.00 fine for this 'Misdemeanor'. What steps do I need to take to get this expunged from my police record?
08/17/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Mississippi | #22933Does the Right to Cancel Apply to Internet Purchases?
Does Buyer's Remorse apply to internet purchases? Do I have the right to cancel within 3 days? Thank you!
08/16/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Arizona | #22932What Records Are Exempt From a Freedom of Information Act Request?
In approximately 1998, I reported financial abuse of my elderly brother by his caregiver, and daughter, to the authorities in the State of Washington. After all these years, can I obtain those investigation reports through the Freedom of Information Act?
08/16/2010 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Washington | #22930What Kind of Promissory Note Doesn't Charge Interest and Payment is Due in Full Upon an Event?
My husband and I will be loaning our sister in law some money to help her pay off her mortgage. We reside in California, she resides in Nevada. The loan will not have interest applied to it. The collateral will be the manufactured home she lives in. The total amount of the loan will be due upon her death or upon the sale of her home whichever occurs first. Will a promissor...
08/16/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: California | #22927How Can I Stop an Eviction Done on the Basis of Fraud?
08/16/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #22925Can a Common Law Lien Prevent Foreclosure?
What is a Common Law Lien for Prevention of Foreclosure? How is it filed, or the procedure required to file this lien?
08/16/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Alabama | #22923Is a Storage Facility Liable if My Property is Stolen from Their Premises?
my boat trailer was stolen from a marine storage facility. There is a area with signs saying private property, in which the marina store trailers of people who owe them money. I was forbiden entry to see if my trailer may have been placed there my mistake. From the road there was one visable that could be mine. Does the marina have any liablity for the missing trailer that I pa...
08/16/2010 | Category: Storage | State: Ohio | #22922