Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Sell My Mother's House With a Power of Attorney?
Using my Durable Power of Attorney from my mother, I want to add myself, my spouse and our two adult children to my widowed mother's real property residence in order to obtain a mortgage/equity loan to pay off existing reverse mortgage in my mother's name, retaining my mother's life use, but upon her death converting ownership to myself, my spouse and our two children.
04/01/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: New York | #21626How Do I Recover for My Time and Costs Due to Clearing Up a Mistaken Debt?
i want to be reimbursed for money i have spent on gas ,faxes,and my time i have lost to handled a issue starting from dish network saying that i have a 311 receiver that was theirs but i bought it from radio shake and i have a receipt to prove it but i was turn down after i spent time and money to resolve a matter that was there mistake not mine.
04/01/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Florida | #21622How Do I Get Rid of an Unwanted House Guest in Oregon?
How to remove unwanted guest? Person in question arrived with His Brother whom I've known for nearly 40 Years, did not know brother. Arrived in July of 2008, said needed place to stay for several weeks while doing some work. He is still welcome the brother isn't. HE pays his own way cannot support brother who refuses to work or apply for social security which I'm sure he qu...
04/01/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Oregon | #21621Can I Relabel a Product I Buy From Another Company?
I live in Missouri. I purchased pasta from a manufacturer in another state. I could not afford private labeling. Can I relabel and bar code the product myself?
04/01/2010 | Category: Licenses | State: Missouri | #21620How Can I Avoid Foreclosure in Montana?
My son is in the military and is behind on his mortgage payments. He owes 162,000.00 on a property worth about 140,000.00. There is a first and second mortgage on the property. If this is foreclosed on will he be liable for what is not paid off with proceeds from the sale? This property is in Montana. He is also considering bankruptcy but this would be his last choice. He is ...
03/31/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Montana | #21619What State Should a Premarital Agreement Be Made In?
My fiance and I currently reside in Colorado. Our wedding and marriage license will be issued and executed in Washington state. Which prenuptial aggreement form should I purchase?
03/31/2010 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: Colorado | #21616DoI Need to Change My Trust if I Move to Another State?
How does moving out of the state (Calif) affect my and my late husbands Inter Vivos trust? I was thinking of moving to Nevada
03/31/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #21615How Do I Sue A Billing Department for Having My Bank Accounts Frozen?
what forms do I need? A person in charge of patient relations was sent legal paperwork..She did not answer within the allotted time period and my bank account was frozen and seized to pay for a judgement that was placed against my bank accounts. What forms do I need to go after the person that did not do their job. She may or not be bonded/insured. I want my money back. I ...
03/31/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Florida | #21614If the Lease names Two Tenants and One Tenant Moves Out is the Lease Void?
Lease has 2 people originally, then landlord allows one to vacate in order to lease another space from him, leaving 1 to handle original lease obligations. Doesn't landlords actions void the entire original lease by allowing one to go 'free'?
03/31/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Tennessee | #21613Can a 3 Day Notice Be Used to Evict a Tenant in Colorado?
We are being evicted from our apartment and are being told to get out in 3 days. Do we have to leave?
03/31/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #21611