Legal Questions and Answers
If We Have A Separation Agreement Can I Be Liable For My Spouse's Debts?
We both signed the legal separation but since it is not an official accepted document in Florida, can I be held responsible for my husbands financial situation. If he would get into debt for example? I would appreciate it if I could get some answers to that. thank you very much in advance.
04/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Florida | #21683How Does a Wife Transfer Inherited Property to Her Husband?
My Wife was made the executrix in a will which she and her sister inherited their mom's home. My wife has since rehab the home and maintained the bills by herself 100% and paid the inheritance tax. She would like me to rent the home in Philadelphia, Pa were I have the Business and Rental license for the city. We need a deed of record for this to happen. Can you please advise wh...
04/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Pennsylvania | #21682How Do I Get Custody of a Minor Who Has Abusive Grandparents?
I want to find out how to help a 17 yr old to get emancipated from his grandparents that are mentally abusive and the grandfather is an alcoholic. He wants to come live with me and my husband.
04/05/2010 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Oklahoma | #21681Can I Act as a Referral Service for Selling Bonds in Washington?
This is a Broker-Dealer question so I'm looking for somebody with expertise in securities (investment products). We organize Broker-Dealer inventories (bonds available for sale) in a bulletin board. Our customers subscribe to this bulletin board (web page, like 'the Pink Sheet') and can search through available bonds (mortgage backed securities). Once they found the bond they w...
04/05/2010 | Category: Licenses | State: Washington | #21680Can I fly to NJ with my court order and retrieve my daughter?
Please ensure you reference the laws of NJ so that my question may be answered accurately. I have a certified court order (divorce court) from the state of Illinois that grants me sole custody of my daughter. Her Father moved to New Jersey in 2005, and in 2008 we created an agreement that stated she would live with him until she was eighteen. He signed and notarized his copy...
04/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Illinois | #21679How Do I Get Sole Custody of My Daughter from the Unmarried Father in Alabama?
which form do i need to submit for sole custodialship of my 5 year old girl? the daddy abandoned us and has never paid child support or tried to establish paternity. i want to protect us from him due to domestic violience and the threat of abduction.
04/05/2010 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Alabama | #21676Does a landlord in Florida Need to Give Notice to Evict for a Bad Check?
I wrote a check for a RENT TO OWN that in error was returned. They are claiming that I have committed a felony. He told me that they are NOT required to send a 10 days notice.
04/04/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #21661Can I Be Liable for an Accident My Niece Caused With My Car if I Wasn't in the Car?
I was living in Palm Springs, Ca.when I sold my niece my truck. It was a Lincoln 2007. I filled out the form from d.m.v. I signed it all she needed to do take it to d.m.v. in Escondido, Ca. well 3 hrs. later she totaled it. The other vehicle involved was relatives of mine. Now 3 yrs. later their suing me for over $200,000.00 dollars. Well I live 3 hrs away. They both had been d...
04/04/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: California | #21660Does an Inmate Get Credit for Time Served on Violation of Probation Charges in Two Counties?
Does Alaucha County, Florida credit time served in Lake County, Fl for the same VOP's?
04/04/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Florida | #21659How I Show Residency in a Complaint for Divorce in Alabama?
AL 801D - Complaint:1.The first paragraph refers to the defendant being a bona fide resident of Blount County. How should this paragraph be worded?
04/04/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Alabama | #21655