Legal Questions and Answers
What is the Penalty for Repeat Solicitation of Prostitution in Nevada?
What is the penalty for soliciting prostitution in Las Vegas Nevada for a 3 time offense?
12/14/2009 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Utah | #20062Can I Be Put in Jail for a Probation Violation?
I am currently on probation and have been charged with another crime. My Probation Officer is trying to decide if he will take me back to court on violation or not, and the person who charged me now wants to drop the charges... will have to go to jail if my probation officer takes me back to court on violation?
12/14/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: North Carolina | #20060Does a Remarriage or Divorce Make a Previous Will Invalid?
I was recently married. My wife has died this year.Her will and Trust is signed by her previous married name and both she & her ex are both deceased. Is her Will and Trust still valid or did the new marraie negate it?
12/14/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Florida | #20056Can A Florida Court Apply California Divorce Law?
Hello, I was married in California 3 years ago. My husband was in the Navy but now is in the reserve. He is living in Pa with his girlfriend now and I am now in Florida. We have no kids. Do I have to file for divorce in California in order to get what ever benefits Ca marital law would allow or may I file in Florida and still receive what I would have gotten in Ca.
12/14/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Florida | #20055How Does a Parent Give Authority Over a Child to a Grandparent in Texas?
4 months ago we had to take our son to court because his girl friend is a child abuser our grandaughter was given to her mother by cps but now the mother has asked that we take guardianship of our grandaughter the mother lives in arizona but we live in texas what forms do we need the mother to sign for us to file with the courts
12/14/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #20052Is It Extortion to Threaten to Reveal Tax Violations if a Prenuptial Agreement Isn't Changed?
I am being threatened by my wife and a third party that alleged IRS tax violations will be used against me and shared with my employer to 'disgrace' me unless I agree to a divorce settlement far in excess of my prenup and also that I must agree to allow my wife, the mother of our 3 infant children to move away. Does this constitute extortion? The third party has also said that ...
12/14/2009 | Category: Criminal » Extortion | State: California | #20051How Do I Remove a Person's Name From a Deed?
What must I do to remove someone's name from the title to a townhome?
12/14/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Colorado | #20050How Do I Create a Trust in California?
Our mother passed away last year. There are three children, and we want to set aside her funds in a trust for the upkeep of the home. We have already made out checks to the, 'Grant Family Trust.' What forms do we need to put this into an agreement that will allow the bank to set up an account in that name, and so we can manage it?
12/14/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #20049How Do I File A Disability Discrimination Claim With the EEOC?
Do you provide assistance in completing an Ada package for EEOC review and complete enough that they have a cause but to investigate.
12/13/2009 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Illinois | #20042Can a Doctor Licensed in Another State Join a Professional Corporation?
I am the president of a P.C. in NJ. This P.C. has five physician members, all for the purpose of billing Medicare and other 3rd party healthcare insurance providers. All present members of the P.C. are NJ licensed physicians. I wish to have a Pennsylvania licensed physician, practicing in Pennsylvania, join this P.C. Will the P.C., which is a NJ corporation be able to bill ...
12/13/2009 | Category: Corporations » Professional... | State: New Jersey | #20041