Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Find Out the Prevailing Wages for Construction Contracts in Missouri?
How can I find out what the prevailing wages are on a particular project?
12/21/2009 | Category: Contractors | State: Missouri | #20148Do I Need to Provide Employment Information to Settle A Credit Card Debt?
I am in negotiation with a legal collection agency regarding a credit card debt. They will not negotiate with me until they get my employment information. I have been served a summons and trying to settle out of court.I am out of time they will not lower the balance will accept 25% down and 25% monthly payments interest at 23% but I have to give them my employer info first. Do...
12/21/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: California | #20144How Can a Husband Stop His Wife Who Left Him From Coming Back to the Home?
i have a friend his wife left him 7 months ago for another man. they were married 24 yrs. she comes to their house where he is living early morning hours and raises alot of commotion. and threatens me bodily harm if i am there. the house and land is in their name together, he has stayed there since she left, and she has lived with this other man. for 7 months. is there anything...
12/21/2009 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Mississippi | #20142How Do I Modify Child Custody in Texas?
I need example of Motion to Modify Child Custody I need writen example
12/21/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Texas | #20141Do I Have to Pay a Veterinarian for Charges I Didn't Agree to?
A veternarian was to spay my dog with my signed permission, however did not perform the spay, contacting me instead to allow them to perform other preliminary, expensive tests. I insisted on the spay without further testing. They refused and billed me close to $200 (more than the dog is worth) anyway. What is my recourse?
12/21/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Ohio | #20129How Do I Sell Real Property in an Online Auction?
I am a e-bay seller and I have a piece of land located at Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania which I believe is in Monroe County. I like to know when I sell the land to the new owner. 1) What form I use to transfer my deed to the new owner? 2) Where I file the form (address and time of operation)? 3) What the process to file the form? 4) What the fee (form of payment accepted by the co...
12/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: New York | #20128Am I Liable for Tax Debt of My Spouse if I File for Legal Separation in California?
My wife and I live in Los Angeles, California. If we obtain a legal separation (but not a divorce) will there ever be a time when I am not responsible for her debts. These debts have been hidden to me and we have never filed joint income tax returns (always filing 'married, filing separately')? My wife claims that I will not be responsible for her debts, including IRS debts, af...
12/19/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: California | #20127Does My Employer Need to Pay for Time Off to See a Doctor for a Workplace Injury?
I drive a truck. I fell in the truck while making a delivery on Dec. 4. My shoulder started hurting over the weekend. 30 minutes after I arrived at work Mon. Dec 7 I reported the incident and was sent to the doctor. I went back to work the next day. I was not paid anything for Dec 7. I was told it was covered by workers compensation. I know that is not right, but I was not allo...
12/19/2009 | Category: Employment » Employment A... | State: Tennessee | #20126How Many Dogs Can I Own in a Single Family Residence?
I live in Bakersfield, California I would like to know what the domestic pet law are and how many pet you are allowed (dogs) in a single family dwelling?
12/19/2009 | Category: Animals | State: California | #20124How Do I Foreclose on Property in Maryland With a Tax Lien Certificate?
What documents/forms should be used to request foreclosure of tax lien property? I have purchased a tax lien property and retain the tax sale certificate, redemption period has past and title work has been completed.
12/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Maryland | #20123