Legal Questions and Answers
Can We Collect Out of Proceeds in Liquidation if The Current Owner Owes Us Money?
My wife's business was doing work for a company that was having financial problems. After approximately 1-1/2 years they started to delay payments. These payments were for labor provided services. This company has been ordered by its bank to find a buyer or it will liquidate the company. Our question is: Is there a legal procedure we can use to recover the money they owe us fro...
12/26/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Minnesota | #20187Can A married Couple Add a Child to a Deed to Avoid Probate if One of the Spouses Dies?
MY husband & I bought a house here 5 yrs ago. We are sickly & I wonder if I can just add my daughters name to the deed so that she can take over the house should either of us die.
12/25/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #20180Is It Illegal to Break into Someone's Email?
is it illegal to break in to someones email?
12/25/2009 | Category: Internet » Hacking | State: Alaska | #20178Do I Have to Pay a Subcontractor to Avoid a Lien Foreclosure After I Paid the Contractor in Full?
A contractor has filed a lien against my wife and I because our roofer did not pay for supplies. We have been told they will foreclose on our house to get payment. We have paid the roofers in full. We are in Colorado where the lien trust fund statute exists. How should we proceed? Pay the supplier and sue the roofer for the money we paid out + attorney fees? Is it worth i...
12/24/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Colorado | #20177If I Can No Longer Afford Payments on a Time Share Can They Attach My Property or Garnish My Wages?
I bought time share in ft. launderdale Fl. I no longer can afford to pay the monthly payments . Can they put a lien against my home or garnish my wages?
12/24/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Louisiana | #20176How Do I Change My Name in Maryland?
My husband was born ----------. In 1980 he legally changed his name to -------- (took his stepfather's name). He would now like to add his birth name back by making his name hyphenated (e.g., ----------). What would be necessary for him to do that and for the rest of our family to have that option legally, as well?
12/24/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Maryland | #20174Can I Break into My Spouse's Filing Cabinet to Get My Documents?
i have a protective order against my husband, so he is not living at our residence. He has a file cabinet still there that has a key lock on it, so therefore I can not get into it. The cabinet contains my auto insurance policy and other documents that relate to me, can I legally get into the cabinet. Or do I have any right to it.
12/24/2009 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Virginia | #20173How Do I Change My Name in Washington?
I was overseas for 9 years, and changed my name there to reflect my last name and the last name of my wife (double last name, -------). i did no name changing at all in the usa, except for changing my passport. now i have moved back to the usa, and would like to get my birth name back (actually only on the passport. ssn card is still only my original name (---), as is the drive...
12/23/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Washington | #20172How Do I Start an Independent Union?
Our Local is currently affiliated with an international union. We are considering a break with the international and establish an independant union. What steps do we need to take to accomplish this? We have been affiliated with the international for six years and are in the first year of a three contract.
12/23/2009 | Category: Unions | State: Virginia | #20171Can A Bank Pursue Me for A Debt That My Husband Was Ordered to Pay in a Divorce Decree?
In a California divorce settlement in 2003 assets were divided including real property and a family owned business. Attorney handled both the business sale and division of property. I have recently received notification that I am still responsible for a line of credit and credit cards on the business. My ex husband is not paying and is in collections per the bank they earned m...
12/23/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: California | #20168