Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Assign the Right to Collect a Judgment in Illinois?
I meed to file a motion and order to make a change to payee on a corporation restitution. The corporation has been dissolved and an assignment entered into the minutes to transfer the balance of payments to the former corporate president. Where can i find these forms? The legal work was in Colorado.
12/18/2009 | Category: Contracts » Assignments | State: Illinois | #20122How Do Me and My Siblings Sell Jointly Owned Property to One Sibling?
My sister, who lives in our family house in Montgomery, Alabama, wants to purchase the house from my two other sisters and me. We live in Atlanta, Georgia. The house was left to the four of us when our mother passed in 1996. My sister has lived there since then. Although we have not charged her any rent, we all agree we each still have an equal share in the house.My two sisters...
12/18/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Georgia | #20120How Do I Claim a Vehicle as Exempt in a Tennessee Bankruptcy?
Which LAW do I specify in claiming an exemption for my automobile? This question is associated to preparing a Schedule C - Property Claimed As Exempt form; and indicating 11 U.S.C. 522(b)(3). Thank you.
12/18/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Tennessee | #20119How Can I Collect Bank Account Funds of a Deceased Spouse in Alabama?
All of the property etc in my husband and myself read x or y, land and house trailer documents read x and y.There is a bank account that does not have my name on it but my husband's will leaves everything to me and makes me executor of the will. Why then do I need to have a letter of testament to have excess to the money in the bank account in the amount of $4,354.00 without p...
12/18/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Alabama | #20118How Can I Get a Juvenile Felony Offense Expunged in North Carolina?
My son was arrested when he was 17 on drug charges and has felonies on his record due to this arrest. This is the only time he has been in trouble. He plead guilty and received three years probation. Now he is in his 2nd year of college and half way through his probation. I would like to know what are the requirements in NC to try to have his records expunged?Do we need an ...
12/18/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: North Carolina | #20116How do I get my car back after it was confiscated by the DEA?
If my house was searched by the DEA because of illegal matters happening by or in the house, but I was not aware of what was going on because i was at work all the time and they take my car can I get it back from them and what do i have to do to get it back.
12/18/2009 | Category: Criminal » Search and S... | State: Pennsylvania | #20110How do I remove fraudulent mortgage filed against my property in Ohio?
I have a $150,000 fraudulent mortgage lien on my property. The scam artist recorded the deed against my property, payable to his now defunct company that doesn't even exist. He is wanted by the law and cannot be found. What papers do I need to file to get these liens removed from my property? The property in located in Garfield Heights, Ohio. I reside in California
12/18/2009 | Category: Real Property » Fraud | State: Ohio | #20109How do I evict a week to week tenant in Arkansas?
We have tenants who pay weekly. If we have to evict them for non payment of rent do they have 10 day as the monthly tenants do? Arkansas
12/17/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arkansas | #20108How Do I Protect My Property Against Claims of Subcontractors in Ohio?
I have contracted with a Builder in Ohio to build a house. He claims he does not get waiver of liens from his subcontractors. The lender only does a mechanic's lien search before each draw and does not require a waiver of lien from the builder. Is this right? I do not want to get stuck with a subcontractors lien against my new home.
12/17/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Ohio | #20107Do I Need an Attorney to Sell Shares of a LLC?
Is an attorney needed to transfer LLC shares -- if so why?
12/17/2009 | Category: LLC | State: North Carolina | #20106