Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Answer a Default Foreclosure Summons in Illinois?
Need to file a response on a default summary of foreclosure and sale and appointment of foreclosure sale officer
12/07/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Illinois | #19939Can I Withhold a Security Deposit for a Tenant Allowing His Girlfriend to Stay at the Premises?
I have a tenant who moved his new girlfriend in to my rental. When I confronted him after two weeks of her being there, he lied and said she was moving into her own home. I asked him he was considering moving with her and he denied that. He added that he planned to have her visit on occasion but not move in. He has had her staying there most nights and days for the last 2 and 1...
12/06/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: California | #19920How Do I Recover Impound Costs for a Vehicle if the New Owner Failed to Transfer the Title?
A vehicle was gifted to me by registered owner on 3/19/06. The registered owner stated the vehicle only needed new battery. I replaced battery but car wouldn't hold charge and battery would run out in 30 minutes. Could not keep vehicle running in order to transfer vehicle in my name within 15 days of sale. On 9/17/06 I gifted the car to a worker cutting trees for us who said he...
12/05/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Washington | #19919Do I Need to Get the Marriage Annulled if I Wasn't Divorced When I Got Married?
Married in Las Vegas before divorce final (wrong info. from the lawyer in France). Now divorce is final, my (new) wife has changed her drive license in CA to have my name. What should we do, simply marry again in any state and then go back to the DMV? Thanks for your help
12/05/2009 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: California | #19918How Do I Garnish Wages After a Judgment in Washington?
I have a judgement for payment of return of cleaning deposit against my ex-landlord. The judge said I could garnish her bank account. What do I need to do? Also, she is having an auction this week can I serve the company who is holding the auction for payment? If so what do I need to do?
12/05/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Garnishment | State: Washington | #19917How Do I Get Alimony Payments Lowered if My Income is Lower in California?
000000000000 My husband was in a 32 year long term marriage in CA and was ordered 6 years ago to pay $1500 per month alimony. At the time we made @ $200,000 per year, and now make @ $140,000. What are the chances of getting the alimony reduced based on our current reduction in income?
12/05/2009 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: California | #19916How is a Mortgage Released When the Loan is Assigned to a New Bank?
We fiananced fee simple absolute,real property through a local bank.We have a warranty deed with a vendors lein.At the fifth year when the baloon payment came due,we went to the same local bank and we were told we had to extend the loan,but when we did that same local bank changed it to local bank N.A. When the five years came up we paid the full loan off of around 42,000.We f...
12/05/2009 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: Texas | #19915How Do I Revoke a Power of Attorney in Pennsylvania?
Currently there is a durable power of attorney which was in effect 3/2007. The person who has power of attorney is seeking to utilize resources and this approach is questionable as it doesn't serve the party's overall welfare. There are pre-existing monies to be released and we would like to revoke the power of attorney from 3/2007. The party is of sound mind and has express...
12/04/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #19914Are Restrictive Covenants Enforceable After the Builder is Out of Business?
If a developer goes out of business (the neighborhood is 20+ years old) does the purchaser of some land in the neighborhood have to abide by the covenants that were set forth by the original developer? I.E. 1 house was to be built on 4.5 +/- acres...the new owner wants to divide and build 3 houses. This is in the state of Alabama. Thanks!
12/04/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Alabama | #19912How Do I Create a Guardianship for an Adult in Delaware?
I am writing to request how to obtain formal legal guardianship for my sister who is mentally retarded, age 62. She is a Medicaid/Medicare recipient and receives SSDI. Our parents are deceased, and I am her only living next of kin (age 57) and have assumed all legal responsibilities for her health care and protection for several years now. My sister presently lives in a group ...
12/04/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Delaware | #19910