Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Transfer Title to Vehicles After a Person Dies Intestate in Wisconsin?
brother died 11/2009 living parents are beneficiaries of 25000 life insurance policy 80000 pension plan, no will, never married, no children, savings and checking in brother and fathers names and money in these accounts were used for funeral expenses. what is the process for giving away all of his vehicles which are titled only in his name to the new owners per his wishes? wi...
12/03/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Wisconsin | #19885How Do I Sue to Get My Security Deposit Back in Arizona?
I lived at a residence from 12/06 to 09/09 and the property manger did not return my security deposit. I had the carpet professionally cleaned and also cleaned the house from front to back and inside spotless. I was denied a move out inspection. The house was not painted even before I moved in the house, the ? was brought to the 1st manager if they were going to paint the hou...
12/02/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Arizona | #19881How Do I Answer a Complaint by a Creditor for Credit Card Bills?
I need to 'answer' a summons regarding a credit card debt. I do not dispute the debt, but have been unemployed on and off for 10 months (was originally laid off in January). I'm unable to pay. I still do not want to have a default judgment. Just having a hard time getting (and affording) legal representation. And must the 'answer' go to both court and plaintiff? what ...
12/02/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: California | #19875How Do I Create a Special Needs Trust?
I have a friend who is 53 years old,is mentally challenged, brain damaged from birth, and had been on SSI for several decades. His mother died about 3 years ago and had pending Worker Compenstation clains. Recently, my friend is getting $2000 to $3000 from 1 lawsuit. There are 4 more lawsuits which could represent $20,000 to $30,000 his share. He has had 3 other siblings that w...
12/02/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Alabama | #19873Does a Father with Fuill Custody Need to Have the Child Live With Him?
What are the responsibilities of the father, who has full legal custody, of a 15 year old son, who lives with his mother. Father lives in N.C. Custody determined by N.C. courts (divorce agreement/decree). child is ungovernable by mother, father wants nothing to do with him. Mother wants him returned to father.
12/01/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: South Carolina | #19862Does a Landlord Have to Rent to Another Tenant if I Break My Lease?
If it is necessary to terminate a commercial lease in Arizona, is the tenant relieved of financial liability if the property is leased to someone else and is it the landlords duty to seek a new renter, as in California law.
12/01/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #19860How Do I Fill Out a Small Estate Affidavit in Louisiana?
I downloaded an affidavit of heirship for the state of louisiana and I have one question about the real estate left by the decendent. If he died before his wife, and a succession was done on her, do I need to list the property description of the real estate at the time of his death? Also, when listing the children of the deceased children, what do I do if their address and ex...
12/01/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Louisiana | #19858What are the Duties of a Guardian of a Minor in New Jersey?
I have been the guardian for my niece and my nephew since Jun 07 when their mother was killed in a motorcycle accident. I am looking for specific information on my responsibilities/duties as I am working now with my lawyers to file my first accounting. I have taken on a huge role and it has affected my family (I have two young children also) but I am being scrutinized about h...
12/01/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: New Jersey | #19857Can a Pledge Deducted from a Paycheck Still be Enforced After Employment is Ended?
I was hired for a professional position; moved to state, gave up a secure position, purchased home which is now significantly devalued. I was terminated 'without cause'. They are now trying to enforce a foundation pledge I made using payroll deduction. I made payroll deduction pledge with the assumption it was a 'payroll deduction' and that I would remain employed. Form I s...
12/01/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Minnesota | #19853What Am I Responsible to Pay if I Abandon My Property?
I have abandoned my home in FL. What are the laws re insurance, HOA fees, etc.? Should I officially notify anyone?
12/01/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #19852