Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Change Back to My Maiden Name After Divorce in California?
i want to legally go back to my maiden name...what is the process of san bernardino county in the state of CA? both my divorces where in San Bernardino County and both my records of the divorces where lost, i am going to college to become a counselor and i DO NOT want my lastname now on my future documents, i just want my maiden name back
12/08/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: California | #19966How Do I Leave All of My Estate to Charities?
I want to write a will by myself, with little expense. In my Last will and Testament I wish to give my entire estate to ten or twelve charities. I need a template or form so that I can start writing a will. I have no children. Other family and friends don't need anything.
12/08/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Colorado | #19965What Is Mississippi Law on Mineral and Oil Leases?
What does Stokely v. State, 149 Miss. 435, 115 So. 563 (1928) state about Mississippi law
12/08/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Mississippi | #19963Which State Should A Power of Attorney Be Created For?
I am in the process of having my mom sign a durable power of attorney for financial and medical. My question is, her residence is still in California but she will be moved to Nevada soon, do I need a POA for both states or just one and if one which one? Her assets, bank accounts, property etc are all in California.
12/08/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Nevada | #19960Can a Sign Posted Outside a Home Be Considered a Threat of Harm?
I have been harassed by my neighbor for 8 years. During this time I have called police over the discharge of weapons for shooting animals and verbal threats. The police have only been able to advise him of the complaints and he has continued with these threats. He is now selling his house and I viewed pictures online of the interior. In one of these pictures, a creepy sign h...
12/08/2009 | Category: Criminal » Harassment | State: Ohio | #19957How Do I Sue a Defendant in Another State for Breaching a Licensing Agreement?
How can I file a wrongful termination suit regarding a licensing agreement, which has been breached? Both of us DBA's. Other resides in California. Proof of deception, intentional lies, false statements known to be false and others learned later to be false, misrepresentation to our client. Loss to date estimated between 20-50 k.
12/08/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Vermont | #19951How Do I File Suit to Foreclose a Mechanics Lien in Texas?
On 4/26/06 I put a mechanics lien on a home using property code sec 53-059/051/254/255. to the law. I have moved to East, TX. I saw the house for sale on the web. They no longer live there. I sent a certified letter of my new address. It has been a couple weeks and nothing returned. Also a copy to there Realtor she received it and no calls. At this time I am out of work due to ...
12/08/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Texas | #19950How Long may a State Wait to Extradite a Prisoner in Another State?
A client finished their sentence in Oregon with the exception of 3 yrs of supervised release where he was transferred on an interstate compact to VT. He's had 2 pos ua's in 15 months, but recently picked up a charge out of state for possession of pot. VT has sent him to prison to await extradition to OR. How long does Oregon have to get him and do you think they will spend the...
12/07/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Vermont | #19949Am I Liable for Lot Rent After I Sell a Mobile Home?
am I responsible for delinquent space rent on a mobile home that I sold?
12/07/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19948Should I Elect to Issue 1244 Stock in My Corporation?
I purchased the incorporation services, and i need to know whether to elect 1244 stock and what consideration for issuance of common stock is referring to.
12/07/2009 | Category: Corporations » Stock | State: Oregon | #19946