Legal Questions and Answers
How can I see mother's will while she is alive and I believe sister is abusing situation?
My widowed mother had recently been diagnosed with slow memory loss requiring rx. at the same time my sister (executor of the will) has slowly moved her adult children, her new boyfriend and herself into my mothers house. just recently my mother stated to my brother that the will had to be updated and or changed and my sister had done so with her but she dosent remember what wa...
12/04/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: New Jersey | #19909What can I do if I think my mentally ill father executed a wrong power of attorney?
My dad is 81 years old. I found out just 11/30/09 that he has appointed a non-family member as his Power of Att'y in the state of Georgia. My dad had some mental issues over Thanksgiving Holiday, I called his friend to see if he had knowledge of the mental condition that my dad was having...His friend still has not return my call. Later, I found out that he was my dads Power o...
12/04/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Missouri | #19907How can I transfer shares of my single member LLC?
Can a Washington State single member LLC transfer half the shares to his spouse so that they both can make IRA contributions? (Under a single member LLC one can make contributions to a SEP IRA, and IRS filing is easy). My tax adviser writes, 'I might suggest would be to transfer half of your US LLC shares to your wife and then she would report half the income. Then, you could...
12/04/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Washington | #19904How can I enforce a judgment obtained a year ago?
I won a judgement in superior court here in Indianapolis, In. Approx a year ago against Macao Paint and Body repair shop. However, the lawyer that handled the case is no longer available and did not complete the final paperwork to collect the funds ordered by the court to be payed by Macao to myself. What paperwork do I need to complete, and where will i find it? I really need ...
12/04/2009 | Category: Judgments | State: Indiana | #19903How can I terminate a lease before I move into the apartment?
What are my options if I signed a year lease and then the next day decided that I could not move into the apartment?
12/03/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #19896May a parent lock out a child who has reached the age of 18?
What is the age of majority in New York and if it's 18 can you change your locks and throw them out? My son will not be going to College.
12/03/2009 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: New York | #19895Is it illegal to install surveillance cameras aimed at neighbor's bedroom window?
Is it illegal install a surveillance camera on a unit and aim it at a bedroom window of a neighboor, roughly 15 to 20 feet away??? What is the Calif. code # and where do I find it???
12/03/2009 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: California | #19892Is there a restriction for evicting a tenant for nonpayment of rent during the winter?
Can I evict a tenant for non payment of rent and breaking the lease agreement during the winter months in washington state?
12/03/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Washington | #19889How are a Fraudulent Conveyance and a Creditor Defined?
I have a tolling agreement that has been extended several times with an estate lawyer I intend to sue for legal soon as the trust accounting is complete. Since the tolling, she has moved all her money into a trust. Is this fraudulent conveyance? Does the announcement of tolling and also prior to that official demand letters for fee return prove I'm a creditor e...
12/03/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: California | #19887Is it Worth it to File a Small Estate Affidavit to Collect Checks of the Deceased?
I need a 'small estate affidavit'my Mother in law passed and had no estate because she had nothing. She lived in a full care rest home and her bills were paid for by the state of Ca. She had two small checks sent to he rfor overpayment on suplimental insurance made out to the estate of and I was told if I submit the above form then the checks will be made out in my name. Sho...
12/03/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: California | #19886