Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Locate My Parents in a Black Market Adoption?
i was told that I was a black market adoption. birth date I HAVE A BIRTH CERT. ON IT MY BIRTH WAS NOT RECORDED FOR 3 YEARS. HOW DO I FIND OUT THE TRUTH?
11/30/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Wisconsin | #19851Should I Trust a Seller Who Won't Put the Terms in Writing?
I am in process to buy a B.P. gas station, but the supply gas agreement will not write the rack plus price in the contract. They want me to trust them, that they will give me the best dealer price. By doing that am I protected if they over charged me on the price? Or not and if so how.
11/30/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Wisconsin | #19847Can I Use a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure in Oregon?
I wish to acquire from your office a form from your office, but need to know if it is legally acceptable in the state of Oregon. It is form number Control # US-01524BG.Apparently it was drawn up to be used in several states. I need to know if it is acceptable in Oregon specifically. By paying for the answer to this question, will I be able to deduct the amount I pay for the ...
11/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Oregon | #19816Is a Child 18 Years Old Emancipated if Still in High School?
What are the responsibilities / liabilities of a parent in Tennessee who's 18 year old daughter has moved out of our home to live elsewhere? She is still enrolled in high school - so does the age of majority change to 19? We want nothing to do with with her but are concerned that we could still be held liable for her actions outside of our home...
11/30/2009 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Tennessee | #19814What can I do about a fence my neighbor put up on my property?
Recently My South Side Neighbor incorporated a wooden fence without having a professional surveyor staking out the property border. He put the fence on my property according to the land surveyor I hired afterwords. It cost me $600.00 for the survey I have asked my neighbor to move the fence on the borderline where it is being indicated by the professional land surveyor. He doe...
11/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: New York | #19812Can I Recover Rent Paid After CO2 Poisoning from the Furnace?
It appears that my landlord did not inspect or service our 29 year old gas furnace before we moved into our 3 bedroom house in September of this year. We are assuming this since the city inspector literally looked at it for 2 seconds and said oh, this is trouble, and then after using his analyzer realized it was emitting dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, condemned it and re...
11/29/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Colorado | #19811How can I get out of my lease now that my roommate back out?
I entered a lease agreement to rent a duplex with the landlord knowing I was going to have a room mate. I signed my lease on Friday 11/20/09 and paid the rent and deposit for a Dec. 1st move in date. My proposed room mate informed me on Monday 11/23/09 that he wouldn't be able to go forward with the lease due to his lease that he was unable to break. I called the landlord that ...
11/29/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Wisconsin | #19810How Do I Sue My Boyfriend in Another State for Not Paying Back a Loan?
Took out 2 loans for ex-boyfriend to get vehicles. No payments have been sent for the loans. Need assistance on how to get the money back from him since he moved to Virginia. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
11/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Maryland | #19808How Do I Disclaim Inherited Property in Maine?
My husband is the personal representative for his father's estate. Two accounts, one a bond fund and the other an IRA were transferred upon death to my husband. These funds are all going to be distributed to his siblings as my husband inherited other property. Our question is this: do TOD rules allow the funds be transferred to the siblings so that they may redeem them, or does...
11/28/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: Maine | #19807How Do I Create a Lien on Real Estate of a Debtor in Default?
I have loaned against a mobile home. The borrower has abandoned the mobile. Borrower owns a piece of real estate. My question, how can I put a lien against the real estate to protect my funds.
11/27/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: California | #19803