Legal Questions and Answers
Is an Oral Accord and Satisfaction Enforceable?
Im currently moving out of a place I rented for 13 months. My lease is payed in full and expires July 28, 2009. The notice required to move out is 60 days. I was out of town and gave 45 day notice. Since the lease requires 60 days I was told to stay half of the next month after the lease ended and pay half months rent to fulfill the 60 day agreement. I agreed and am now be...
07/24/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Virginia | #17794How Do I Adopt a Step-daughter in Wisconsin?
My step-daughter resides in Milwaukee, WI and would like my wife and I to adopt her two children. How do we do this?
07/24/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Mississippi | #17792Can The Creditor Collect More Money After a Settlement?
I am a housewife for these past 22 years. If I owe a debt and responded in court that yes I owe the debt made payment arrangements (paid at the lawyers office) as agreed then why are they issuing a citaion to my bank as third party to reveal assets or income. Most importantly why tangle up my bank acct. to the tune of nearly $20,000. (They doubled the amount owed.)
07/24/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Illinois | #17790Manager, Nevada apartment complex.
Does a landlord or manager have to live at the apartments of a 30-unit complex?
07/24/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Residential ... | State: Nevada | #17789Modification of Connecticut divorce decree
Can a divorce be modified 14 years later if the husband wrote it and was a lawyer and the wife was a housewife? My ex-husband is a prominent attorney who refused to give me a prenup. He is making lots and lots of money and I make $12.50 per hour and am having a hard time getting by. I did remarry and divorce again however I stayed home with kids during a 15 year marriage whil...
07/24/2009 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Connecticut | #17788Can an employee have a paid leave for voting on Election Day in North Dakota?
Can an employee have a paid leave for voting on Election Day in North Dakota?
07/24/2009 | Category: Election Laws | State: North Dakota | #17766Is an employer bound to provide time for an employee to vote on Election Day?
According to Maine law, is an employer bound to provide time for an employee to vote on Election Day?
07/24/2009 | Category: Election Laws | State: Maine | #17765Is an employer bound to provide time for an employee to vote on Election Day?
According to Ohio law, is an employer bound to provide time for an employee to vote on Election Day?
07/24/2009 | Category: Election Laws | State: Ohio | #17764Can an employee have a paid leave for voting on Election Day in Louisiana?
Can an employee have a paid leave for voting on Election Day in Louisiana?
07/24/2009 | Category: Election Laws | State: Louisiana | #17763How does Oklahoma law ensure that the employers provide time for employees to vote?
How does Oklahoma law ensure that the employers provide time for employees to vote?
07/24/2009 | Category: Election Laws | State: Oklahoma | #17762