Legal Questions and Answers
What is Parental Guardianship Consent form GC-210P?
I have a parental guardianship agreement that I have to sign, and have come up with language protecting my visits that have taken place over many years with this guardian to be. (son is in a group home). My question is on the Parental Guardianship Consent form (petition for Appointment for the Guardianship of the Person) GC-210P, Where do I put my addendum stating that I am giv...
05/20/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: California | #16723What rights does my wife have if she abandoned my daughter and I?
My wife and I have been married for 3 years and have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. One day my wife sends me a text message saying that she is not coming home and wants a divorce. I come to find out she left my daughter and I because she is seeing another man. We have now been without Mom for a month and I plan to move closer to family with my daughter so that I have extra help and...
05/19/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: California | #16722Where can I find a Release and Waiver of Liability by Tenant?
I am a home owner and my roommates are expecting a baby in a week. They have agreed to sign a contract freeing me of any liabilities, but I can't find one anywhere.
05/19/2009 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: California | #16721Where should I apply to have my name changed?
I was born in New York City and was married in Virginia. I have been divorced for 10 years and have been using my married name. I would like to go back to my maiden name. Should I do that in New York or Virginia?
05/19/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #16720Where can I find a form to respond to a summons?
I received a summons I need to respond to. Where can I find a legal form to do so?
05/19/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: California | #16719What specific form does legal zoom have to transfer my corporation to my son?
What specific form does legal zoom have to transfer my corporation to my son? Please limit the number of forms that you suggest to two forms.
05/19/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: California | #16718What form do I use to request a pardon from the Board of Paroles?
What form do I use to request a pardon from the Board of Paroles?
05/19/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: California | #16717How would I request a new trial if a judgement has been entered because I missed court?
I have a default small claims judgment against me I didn't show up because I forgot due to having a cold. Because I missed court, the plaintiff got a default judgment of $2000.00. I was told that I had 3 days to file a motion for new trial; which I plan to do within my 3 days. I want to counter sue for $3000.00 for non-payment of rent and repairs to the house. The plaintiff was...
05/19/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Default Judg... | State: Louisiana | #16716How do I dissolve a power of attorney that I signed and How do I dissolve a will?
How do I dissolve a power of attorney that I signed and How do I dissolve a will?
05/19/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Texas | #16715How can I change my step son's name to my last name without adoption?
My step son wants to change his surname to mine, his father has never supported him and has rarely contacted him, but still refuses to relinquish his rights. I have been there for him for over ten years. Can my wife and I change his name to our name?
05/19/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #16714