Legal Questions and Answers
Which trust is required for asset protection, specifically protection from long-term care costs?
Which trust is required for asset protection, specifically protection from long-term care costs? Can a married individual be the sole trust maker of this trust? Is there any condition under which this trust may become revocable?
05/19/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: Massachusetts | #16713Am I required to do what the bankruptcy court states if I am in bankruptcy?
I borrowed money from a family member who has not filed bankruptcy. The bankruptcy court is asking that I pay back what is due to her immediately even though the written agreement we have has been honored and paid back based on the guidelines we set at the time of the loan. Often times I paid back more than was agreed upon. I am unsure how to respond to their summons for writte...
05/19/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Michigan | #16712Easment for Landlocked Parcel in Texas
My mother passed away in 2005 and left a Ranch in Stephens County Tx to my brother , sister and myself in equal parts. The will was probated and all three were named as executors. My sister and I wish to sell our 2/3 of the Ranch but a real estate agent told us we need a road easement for land that we cross to get to our Ranch. The owner of this land is agreeable to giving us a...
05/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Texas | #16711What can I do if I feel a police officer is harrassing my family?
I was arrested for DWI in December walking into a bar. Now my brother just got a DWI while he was at work as a bartender when he moved a customers car 1 block to a municipal parking lot, something he has done for years as a service to those that are too impaired to move their car to overnight parking. This officer was involved in both arrests. My brother is one of my witnesses...
05/19/2009 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Influence of... | State: Minnesota | #16710Is a promissory note for rent owed enforceable?
My tenants are moving out June 8 and are a few months behind on rent and are requesting to use their security deposit for a month and a half rent. They requested to remodel the bathroom because the husband was in that line of work in lieu of paying 100.00 extra a month for their dog. Both are on disability. Wife is having a risky pregnancy and husband has disk problems from a...
05/19/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: New Jersey | #16709Is it legal and or right for a judge to award the other person 100% of your expense money as income?
In a divorce in Oklahoma, is it legal and or right for a judge to award the other person 100% of your expense money from your work (not taxed) as earned income? This is in the temporary order and my trial date is coming up.
05/19/2009 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Oklahoma | #16708Can I be forced to honor a contract if I was not able to secure financing?
My husband and I put a contract on a second home in South Carolina with both of our names on the contract. Our intention is for one of us to get the financing. If one of us does not qualify for the loan. Will we be able to get out of the contract? Can the agent force us to try and secure a loan with both of our names on the financing before letting us out of the contract?
05/19/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Maryland | #16707As a teacher can I be forced by administators to teach in an area I am not certified for?
Can an administrator change a teachers working hours from days to nights and force them to teach in a non-certified area after 11 years in the same position?
05/19/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Kansas | #16706Do we need a patent, copyright, or trademark to protect our product?
I have a software package for personal medical records. We are selling it in the USA and now have a group in Ireland that wants a license to sell it in Europe. Do we need a patent, copyright, or trademark to protect our product?
05/19/2009 | Category: Intellectual Prope... | State: South Carolina | #16705How can I force my neighbor's to remove the fencing that has caused damage to my property?
I surveyed my property and then proceeded to build a fence which includes 10' of rocks up to my property line. The adjacent owners recently put a railroad tie wall right up to my old fence and knocked it down. They incorrectly piled up the railroad ties which are now knocking down my new fence. All of their railroad ties are now on my property and causing damage to my new fenc...
05/18/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: Pennsylvania | #16703