Legal Questions and Answers
What are my options when a tenant is consistently late on rent?
I own a lot on which I am allowing a man to keep his mobile home in exchange for monthly rent. We have a written agreement, which has been signed by him and by his daughter who actually owns the mobile home in which the man and she are living. Our agreement is dated December of 2006, and in all that time, he has only been on time, with the rent, once. There is no mention of la...
04/28/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Arkansas | #16264Can I put a lien on a contractor's building/equipment?
We contracted to remodel our condo located in Florida. This was executed in November of 2007. As of January of 2008 the contractor acknowledged that he was unable to do this work due to financial and other business restraints. As of April of 2008 we have not received our deposit of $8,338.00. Can we, as individuals, place a lien on his building/equipment? If so, how? We have ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Florida | #16263Is there a published list of utilities or what is considered to be a utility?
Is there a published list of utilities or what is considered to be a utility? The purpose of the question is divorce related and I want to know because in the interim of my divorce my husband is to pay all utilities but we can not agree on what is and is not a utility.
04/28/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Connecticut | #16261Can the potential father force me into a paternity test so that he can be involved?
If a single woman becomes pregnant and the father could potentially be one of three men and she is not interested in finding out and is not asking for support, does the potential father have any rights to force her into a paternity test so that he can be involved, support, and know his child?
04/28/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: ALL | #16260Can I petition the court to establish paternity even though I am 59 years old?
I am a 59 year old woman whose birth was illegitimate. Can I still establish paternity through North Carolina court proceedings? Can North Carolina courts require my birth father and me to take DNA tests?
04/28/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: North Carolina | #16259Is my ex-husband still legally obligated to pay our son's college if he has turned 21 years old?
My son is 22 years old and has one semester left before graduating from Indiana University. His father lives on Long Island, NY . He and I, his mother, live in Arlington Heights, IL. Since freshman year, his father has paid for the spring semester tuition of college while I have paid for the fall semester. He has two other children, both younger, by another mother in New York. ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #16258I am seeking advice on writing a petition to Child Family Probate for a continuance of a hearing
I am looking for a form sample or advice on writing a petition to Child Family Probate, asking for a continuance of a hearing scheduled for April 9. Presently, my son is incarcerated and is being summoned by the mother of his two boys to have sole legal custody of his two boys. I am presently my sons advocate and would we would like to ask for a continuance until my son can obt...
04/28/2009 | Category: Courts | State: ALL | #16257Is it a crime to record a private conversation?
Can an employee record a conversation that her supervisor is having with other employees?
04/28/2009 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: California | #16256What to do if I was coerced into giving custody of my children to my ex husband?
A situation arised in that a parent had filed for protection order for a child against an ex's girlfriend. These occurred in two different counties. She was granted a temporary order in her county. Due to concern for the saftey of the child, she withheld visitation, as the girlfriend lived with the ex. He filed for contempt. While waiting for the final hearing on the protectio...
04/28/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: ALL | #16255What are the requirements for a breach of contract?
I am selling a motorcycle for $3,850.00. The buyer leaves $200.00 to hold the bike for one week. A written receipt was drawn up noting exchange of monies. The verbal agreement was for bike to be picked up on said date (not documented). The buyer calls & leaves message stating he cannot pick up bike till following Friday (one week). I called the buyer back and stated that I need...
04/28/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: ALL | #16254