Legal Questions and Answers
If we lose our business, can the bank take our homestead?
We have 2 homes; the one we live in is homesteaded. We are self employed. If we lose our business, can the bank take both homes or just the one that is non-homestead? We heard that the house has be be at a minium value for them to go after it. What is the law?
04/23/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Minnesota | #16097How should I include my elderly mother in ownership of my new home since she will live with me?
I (age 58) am buying a new home in Alabama. I am having my mom move in with me (she is 92). Should I place her name on the purchase agreement as well as mine? My concern is that if I were to die first, she would have a place to live, with no worry over inheritance issues... and would be free to sell the house if she wished to. On the other hand, would I have to pay inheritance ...
04/23/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Georgia | #16096What is the best way to mamage funds my daughter is receiving from a lawsuit?
My daughter is receiving a $225K settlement, $150K first payment + $75K to come later, from the accidental death of her 6-month old daughter under the care of the babysitter. The payment is coming from the insurance company of the babysitter. I was appointed by the court as the administrator and so I opened a estate account under the daughter's name. But then I was told by o...
04/23/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Settlements | State: New York | #16095What can if I failed to pay payroll taxes when I walked away from my company?
I have an LLC in El Paso Texas. I walked away with the shirt on my back and moved to another state. I want to make retribution to the county for past due payroll taxes but I am not in a financial position to do so now. How do I initiate contact and what can be done to handle this in a manner that I can afford? I also did not submit then financial records for the 2008 employee w...
04/23/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: Arizona | #16094Can I file a disturbing the peace or nuisance complaint against my noisy neighbors?
My next door neighbors, especially their kids are so loud during the day, it's ruining my life. The mother owns the house and her son & wife live there as she can't make the house payment on her own. The whole time she's had the place, every renter, visitor, etc has been so loud that even visitors to my house have commented. My blood pressure is going thru the roof and they'...
04/22/2009 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: California | #16093Is it possible to get unallocated spousal support in a divorce settlement in the state of VA?
Is it possible to get unallocated spousal support in a divorce settlement in the state of VA?
04/22/2009 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Virginia | #16092Can I be held liable for the debt of my deceased mother even though I am not the Power of Attorney?
My mother was in a nursing home in GA. My sister and I were both her responsible parties. My sister was her power of attorney, I never handled any of her funds only my sister had access to them. She misused my mothers funds and ended up oweing the nursing home around $5000.00 she agreed to pay the nursing home owner the money owed, meanwhile I took over as sole responsible part...
04/22/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Georgia | #16091How do I dispute a parking ticket in Oregon?
I am an Oregon resident and while in notheren Cali at Cresent City look out I parked in a spot that was a handicapped space. I did not see the painted sign on the ground. The ticket that was written states it was a sign posted stall which it was not, there was no actual posted handicapped stalls in the parking lot . The parking officer spoke to some people that were standing ...
04/22/2009 | Category: Parking | State: Oregon | #16090What needs to be filed to modify the child support since I am paid up on all arrears?
If a child support order was modified and a person was ordered to pay X amount as the new order with X amount in addition for X amount of weeks to make up the amount in arrears. After the amount in arrears had been paid up, what needs to be filed for the ordered amount (without the extra) to go into effect? What form is a filed, a Petition or a Motion? Also, if someone is wan...
04/22/2009 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Illinois | #16089How would I copyright my idea of a green product to keep anyone from stealing it?
I have an idea for a 'green' product that I would like to market. I will obviously need help with financing and engineering. Is there a form that I can have people sign that says they won't steal my idea or manufacture anything like it for 10 years? If so, how much would something like that cost?
04/22/2009 | Category: Employment » NonCompete A... | State: Florida | #16088