Legal Questions and Answers
What action can I take against the Service Center for damages caused to my car?
I recently had to take my car to a Nissan service center to have a smashed window replaced. To shorten this story, after waiting nearly 4 hours, I was told that the window was fixed and working properly. I then paid for the services and waited for my car to be delivered to the front of the center. After waiting a half hour, I inquired about my car. I was told that they took...
04/03/2009 | Category: Consumer | State: Virginia | #15862How do my neighbor and I reach a resolution on trimming the trees on both properties?
I am being sued by my neighbor in a small claims court for $3,000.00 spent throughout four years for trimming the branches that grow into her area from my trees. Is there a document or code that I can show to clarify that such branches are the responsibility of the adjoining land owner and not necessarily the responsibility of the landowner where the tree is rooted? I wish I ...
04/02/2009 | Category: Trees | State: California | #15861What form is needed to place a lien on a business I invested in?
I have invested money on the business and now I would like to put the lien on the business. I do have written agreement that if owner does not pay my payments I may put the lien on the property. What forms would I need ?
04/02/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: Maryland | #15860What is the law regarding a school keeping updated emergency contact information?
What is the law for Public Schools about releasing children to family members not included in the final decree, and keeping their emergency contacts updated with the correct information when the parents are divorced ( almost six years)?
04/02/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Texas | #15859What is the process for name change in California?
I want to know how long the process to change my name takes. Actually, I live in Mexico and I need the services of a lawyer to help me with this process. My parents are Mexican and I was born there. A mistake was made on the Mexican birth certificate and I would like to have an identical name on both certificates _(American and Mexican)
04/02/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: California | #15858Would my wife's retirement pension be considered joint property?
My wife left her job in CA after 12 years of service with UCLA (8 married to me). She is eligible for a pension at age 50 or 55 from UCLA for that 12 years. Is that pension considered joint property and if so, is my portion 50% x 8/12??
04/02/2009 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Florida | #15857Once a garnishment is in effect, how long before I receive alimony payments?
When a motion to file involving an ex-spouse holding him in contempt of court and to garnish his wages because he didn't pay alimony, how long once approved does it take effect?
04/02/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Garnishment | State: Kansas | #15856Termination of Lease in New York Due to Sewer Backup Repair and Lack of Access
These questions are for my son who lives in New York. I am unable to live in my apartment because the sewer backed up and the landlord must clean and replace all the flooring. I've been out since March 23 and won't be back in for another week or more (April 2nd). I was required to remove my belongings so that the contractors could do their work. The landlord is demanding hi...
04/02/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Pennsylvania | #15855What type of deed if needed to transfer our home back into our name from our Limited Partnership?
Our home is under the Limited Partnership right now and we (me and my husband) would like to transfer the title back to our name. What type of Deed Form do we need to prepare and file to the Bureau in order for us to put the title back to our name?
04/02/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Hawaii | #15854What is a 'qualifying Power of Attorney' as it pertains to bail bond?
What is a 'qualifying Power of Attorney' as it pertains to bail bond?
04/02/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #15853