Legal Questions and Answers
What can happen if my employer did not withhold child support payments as ordered by court?
I recently had my divorce domesticated into Florida from Georgia and modified the child support so that it is deducted from my wages by my employer. The attorney handling my case also requested that the attorney's fees (to be paid by my former spouse) also be deducted through payroll deduction. A few months later, we realized that the support payments were not being deducted fr...
02/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Florida | #588Is abandoning a child and/or wife punishable by law?
Is abandoning a child and/or wife punishable by law? If so, what is the punishment?
02/08/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Florida | #587Could I still get alimony if I have prenuptial agreement?
I have a prenuptial agreement. I have been married one year and three months after having dated this man over ten years. Since we have been married, he has been mentally abusive to me and threatened a divorce and to kick me out of his home numerous times. What are my odds of getting alimony if I file for a divorce? The prenuptial agreement never mentions alimony. It only refers...
02/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Separation A... | State: Tennessee | #586If my license have been suspended in one state, can I get them in another state?
I have recently had my license suspended in Michigan. Can I get a drivers license in my new home in Oklahoma after a year?
02/08/2007 | Category: Drivers License | State: Oklahoma | #585What exactly is standard visitation?
What exactly is standard visitation? How is it broken down, and does the noncompliant parent have visitation rights when he lives out of town and does not pay child support? What can I do to limit his visitation? We were never married and he left the kids with me three years ago to move to California. Now he is stating he wants the children all summer, every school break and ho...
02/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Wyoming | #584What can happen if I terminate my lease early due to crime at the complex?
How can I break my lease without penalties if my wife is in fear of her safety at night in the apartment complex and my vehicles have been broken into 7 times?
02/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #583What is needed for my son to give me guardianship of my grandchildren?
My son and his ex-girlfriend had been together for 16 years. They have three kids together. She walked out. She was using drugs and still is. She left behind, at the time, a 5 year old, 9 year old, and a year old baby. She has seen the kids maybe a total of 5 times. She is not allowed to take them, because of the life she is living. The boys don't want to see her. The baby ...
02/08/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Indiana | #582What is the fee for a beer and/or liquor license?
What is the fee for a beer and/or liquor license?
02/08/2007 | Category: Licenses » Liquor | State: Florida | #581If a husband dies leaving his home to his daughter, what recourse does the wife have?
If someone dies and has been married to his wife for 20 years, and in his will leaves the house that he shared with his wife to his adult daughter, does the wife have any recourse?
02/08/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Illinois | #580Is there a legal form for a tenant at will in the state of Massachusetts?
Is there a legal form for a tenant at will in the state of Massachusetts?
02/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Massachusetts | #579