Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Declaratory Judgment Be Requested Before a Trustee Files an Accounting?
can a order for declaratory relief be petitioned by a special needs beneficiary to compet an accounting if 60 days had not past since the request for an accounting against a trustee a case number is 2651215 I am the trustee of a special needs trust, the beneficiary is filing this petition against me for an accounting for which i have not had 60 days to produce from the d...
02/16/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #20991How Do I Find a Copy of My Name Change Order in New York?
I was born in New York City as Joanne Emily Handelsman in 1959. When I was approximately 17, I changed my name legally to Jo Emily Handelsman (in Nassau County, I think). I have used that name on my driver's license and passport and all other documents since then. When my mother died, I found that she did not leave me the documents for the name change. I recently moved from...
02/16/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Connecticut | #20989What Are the Laws for Adverse Possession in Mississippi?
Define Adverse Possession law on real estate in Mississippi.
02/16/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Mississippi | #20982How Can a Spouse Not Be Liable for the Other Spouse's Debts?
If you are married but do not want responsibility for spouses debts or a law suits, what must you be declared. It's called femme... I think. FYI: there are NO debts or laws suits in our case at this time and there may never be any, but should something occur, I would like not to be responsible for the problem.
02/16/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Pennsylvania | #20981Can I Take Photos of Sports Events?
Are there any laws regulating the taking of and subsequent sale of photos of people engaged in sports- specifically surfing and skiing? (not professional athletes)
02/15/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: California | #20979Can a Contempt Motion Be Filed For Failure to Pay Medical Bills in a Divorce Decree
By parenting plan, I am required to pay 50% of medical expenses for my son. I was recently sent to collections for a hospital bill incurred by my son, while at my ex-wife's. I was previously unaware of the bill. It appears that my ex gave the collection agency my information. Upon questioning her, she is retaliating for something she believes unfair. How can I pay my half...
02/15/2010 | Category: Contempt | State: Washington | #20978Can I Get Service By Publication in Georgia?
In attempting to legitimate my son I filed a Petition to Legitimate with the superior court of Mitchell County Georgia where my son resides with his mother. I simultaneously paid the sheriff's fee to serve the mother with the petition. I received notice that the sheriff had made 10 attempts to serve the petition and that the mother had refused to answer the door. Should my n...
02/15/2010 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Georgia | #20977Can I Get a Liquor License and Not Use It?
Can an individual pay for a liquor license and not use it? But instead use it as a means to attract business for his financial Real estate gain?
02/15/2010 | Category: Licenses » Liquor | State: Wisconsin | #20975How Can I Stop Protesters in My Neighborhood?
Are there any legal grounds to stop protests from taking place on my side walk? I live in a medium sized sub-division and a certain group began protesting in front of a neighbors home because of what he does for a living. After about a year and half of this I asked them to stop doing this in our sub-division. Their answer was to set up camp on my side walk as well.
02/15/2010 | Category: Nuisance | State: Indiana | #20974How Do I Get Evidence in a Criminal Case Returned to Me?
My handgun was stolen and is now in the custody of Denton County Sheriffs dept. Article 56.02 - CRIME VICTIMS' RIGHTS states under # 9 '(9) the right to prompt return of any property of the victim that is held by a law enforcement agency or the attorney for the state as evidence when the property is no longer required for that purpose; I am a legal gun owner and have a CHL. Fo...
02/15/2010 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Texas | #20971