Legal Questions and Answers
Is an Employer Required to Release an Employment File to an Employee?
I live in Louisiana. As an employer am i required to release a entire employee file to an employee?
02/19/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Louisiana | #21047Must a company inform a customer if it does not intend to honor a warranty?
Does a Company have a legal obligation to inform the owner of a refusal to honor warranty. Code & statue
02/19/2010 | Category: Warranties | State: Idaho | #21045Am I entitled to spousal support or alimony during the divorce process in Florida?
Florida/Divorce: am i legally entitled to part of my wife's earnings until a divorce is finalized? i have not worked in 18 mos. due to shingles and she has been the sole provider since that time. intending to get a divorce. wife threatens to cut me off and not allow me the means for legal rep.
02/19/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Florida | #21042Can I name a guardian in my will so my child's father can't get custody?
My son will be six years old on February 25, 2010. I was with his father for the first seventeen months of his life. I had his father legally evicted from my home because he refused to leave. He moved out on or about July 12, 2005. He called one time the following week. I have not heard anything from him since that last phone call in July 2005. I do not receive child support...
02/19/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: South Carolina | #21036What is Georgia law on Appointing an Attorney for an Indigent Person?
I am trying to make a Motion For Appointment of Pro Bono Attorney. What I need is the Georgia Supreme Court Ruling so that I may do this. I have an example for which I got from the internet and it is called a Jurisdiction Statement. It states: Comes now the plaintiff, and must request an attorney be appointed to him pursuant to the fact that the court has already found that h...
02/18/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Georgia | #21027What is the Warranty on Hardwood Flooring in a New Home in North Carolina?
what warrenty is there on hardwood floors that start bad separation after 3 years on new construction homes
02/18/2010 | Category: Warranties | State: North Carolina | #21024Is the Person Who Allowed Access to a Harasser Laible?
If someone listed as a 'friend' on my Facebook account gives their log-in and password information to another person, and that second person in turn has begun to stalk, harrass and cause undue stress to me and my family can I take any action against the 'friend' who supplied their information to the second party?
02/18/2010 | Category: Conspiracy | State: Wisconsin | #21023How Does a Daughter Add Herself to a Deed With Her Father?
My parents own a house in Beverly Hills Florida as joint tenants. My Mom just died leaving my Dad as owner. I want to be added to the deed as I am the daughter, and prefer the house to go to me upon my Dad's death. What forms do I need to file, where do I get the forms, can I do this myself rather than pay hundreds to get this done?
02/18/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #21022Should I Get a Lawyer for an Auto Accident Claim?
I was in a car accident that was the fault of the other driver and he admitted it. Problem is that my daughter who is 18 but lives with her Dad, which has had custody of her, was with me and we were both taken to the hospital by ambulance. She bumped her head and my wrist was sore from holding on to the steering wheel at impact. Both air bags deployed. Car was totaled. I was no...
02/18/2010 | Category: Personal Injury | State: Illinois | #21021How Do I Collect Money Owed on a Land Contract if the Buyer Filed Bankruptcy?
I sold a commercial property on a land contract (registered in the state of Michigan) the buyer bankrupted after 5 months and won't sign off on the contract so I can resell property. I has been 2 years now with nobody paying on taxes. What can I do to get property back and can he bankrupt on taxes or can I take him to court and small claims him on taxes. I would have hired a at...
02/18/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #21018