Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Be Laid Off for Arthritis Causing Me to Limp?
I was laid off recently and I believe because of a medical condition. They the probably felt I could not handle the responsibilities. I have severe arthritis and have to walk on hard cement. I limp when I walk.
02/15/2010 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Pennsylvania | #20968How Do I Pay the Bond I Forfeited if I'm in Jail After Skipping Bail?
My daughter was charged with 2 bailjumps which were on signature bonds, the charges were dropped and read in but the county is still charging for the bonds (waukesha county, wi) There is no way for her to pay these in prison, the interest has doubled them. Is there any way out?
02/15/2010 | Category: Bonds | State: Wisconsin | #20965How Do I Get a Creditor to Stop Calling Me at Work?
I received a court paper that I was sued in small claims court. It was ruled by the court on 03/09/2009 to Cash call.. The court ordered case dismissed without prejudice. Can this company still harass me at work? for money.
02/14/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Fair Debt Co... | State: California | #20960Can the Buyer Change the Price Based on a Lower Appraisal?
What is the normal due diligence period for a buyerand can I refuse to allow the buyer to lower the purchase price if the appraisal is lower then selling price. They are asking for 30 days also and we may close before that?
02/14/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Georgia | #20959Can the Assets of a LLC Be Attached for a Personal Debt?
can creditors freeze a llc bank account for judgement on personal debt?
02/14/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Missouri | #20944Can I Get Alimony Reduced if My Ex Gets a New Job and Live-In Boyfriend?
My ex wife moved in with her boyfriend and she is renting out her old house to pay for the mortgage. She is also starting to work as a substitute teacher. How much of a reduction is possible on the alimony I pay her. I live in Los Angeles County and she lives in San Diego County. Her old house is in Orange County and that is where the divorce was finalized.
02/14/2010 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: California | #20943What is the Legal Definition of an Apartment?
legal definition of what makes an apartment be called an apartment .
02/14/2010 | Category: Zoning | State: Massachusetts | #20942Can I Set Up a Website for Music I Download on the Internet?
I want to download, record or otherwise procure from the internet the following: available-without-fee, free-of-charge, live musical performances (from sources such as NPR-affiliate radio stations), edit those recordings, removing unwanted chit-chat, tuning, interviews, etc., and then offer those edited versions for free download, or for an 'editor's fee', on the internet, so t...
02/13/2010 | Category: Copyrights | State: California | #20941How Do I Stop My Wife From Emailing My Boss?
What recourse do I have when my wife write my boss an email regarding our divorce?
02/13/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: California | #20940How Do I Deed Property to a Minor Child?
How should a Buyer be listed on a deed that is to an unmarried woman and her 2 minor children? She wants to make sure the house will go to her children if she dies or remarries.
02/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #20939