Legal Questions and Answers
Is there a way to break my lease since my job wants to transfer me?
I live in Venice CA. We just got to the end of a one year lease and re-upped for an additional nine months. We just found out that my company wants to relocate me to a new office within the next 60 days. This would require me to break my lease. Are we able to recoup our original security deposit? Would there be a penalty? Would we leave ourselves open to losing the whole thing?...
10/03/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #9612How to get temporary non custodial non parental custody of my boyfriend's son?
I need information on how to get temporary non custodial non parental custody of my boyfriend's son, who I've been raising for the last 3 1/2 years. His father and I might be splitting up...he has sole custody right now, the child's biological mother is in jail. I've been taking care of him since he came to live with us (Larry has never had custody prior to when his son came to...
10/03/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Pennsylvania | #9608Can the mother of a child have a new paternity test after 13 years to find the real father?
If a child is born to an unmarried mother and the mother lists another man on the birth certificate and the child has that man's last name, can the mother claim that the person on the birth certificate is no longer the father of the child.(13 years later). Can she have the Court order a paternity test on a different man?
10/03/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Connecticut | #9605Where can I find forms to give my sister guardianship of my teen daughter?
My 15 year daughter just moved to North Carolina with my sister. I was wondering what form I need to use stating my sister has guardianship over her. I need a form for school entrance purposes.
10/03/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: ALL | #9603What form should I use to file for property tax exemption?
I own a house in Indiana in which my mother lives. I was told for her to file a property tax exemption, I must have her sign a Life Estate. Which form should I order?
10/03/2007 | Category: Taxes | State: Indiana | #9602What is the correct notice when not renewing your lease?
My lease is up at the end of Oct. I gave the leasing office my notice that I would not be renewing my lease 55 days prior to when my lease was up. I was told that I had to give them a 60 day notice. I reviewed my lease and it does infact state that, however I heard from other leasing agents that they can not require that many days. Is this true? I do not want to be responsible ...
10/03/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #9598Can you legally move out of your parents house at 17 in Texas?
Can you legally move out of your parents house at 17 in Texas?
10/03/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: ALL | #9597Where can I fill out a common law marriage agreement online?
Where can I fill out a common law marriage agreement online?
10/03/2007 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Texas | #9594How can I find out if my father left me any property when he died?
My father that I have not seen since I was four passed away. I am told he had properties but I do not know for sure. How do I find out if he had any properties without getting an attorney. I do not want to pay for an attorney if there is nothing to inherit.
10/03/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Ohio | #9591As Power of Attorney how would I apply for a passport for my niece?
We have power of attorney for my niece, whose parent have been deported. She is a US citizen, she lives with my wife and I. How can we apply for her passport?
10/03/2007 | Category: Power of Att... » Minor Consent | State: Texas | #9590