Legal Questions and Answers
Can my employer prohibit me from returning to work until I complete drug counseling?
As a result of a post drug screen my employer had me sign a Last Chance Agreement which stated that I would attend drug counseling and submit to weekly testing. He set up the counseling and loaned me the money for it. Four days later and before the counseling has begun he told me I can not return to work until I COMPLETE the counseling. The agreement was signed in order to keep...
05/03/2007 | Category: Employment | State: California | #3677What is the statute of limitations for student loans?
1) I owe $30,000 in students loans. The debt was acquired 20 years ago. Now the government is requesting I make payment arrangements or they will eventually garnish my wages. Didn't the staute of limitations run out? 2) How long after a credit card debt is delinquent can debt collectors sue for repayment?
05/03/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Georgia | #3676Can I request that my wife return the wedding ring once we are divorced?
I have only been married for 2 years. My wife has filed for a divorce and I wanted my engagement ring back, since I payed $8000 for it.
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Michigan | #3669What can I do to prevent my wife from kicking me out if I am the only person paying bills?
If I am the only means of paying for a house, and I recieve mail at the residence, can I legally be kicked out? I am not sure if my name is on the house note. But I have 3 kids, and my wife doesn't work at all. My mother in law lives with us, as well as my brother in law. I do not want to leave my brother in law high and dry, since he is the only other person that works in the ...
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Michigan | #3668Are you allowed to travel to Canada on US birth certificate?
Are you allowed to travel to Canada on US birth certificate?
05/03/2007 | Category: Travel | State: New York | #3666Can my sister leave the state with her children if there is no established custody agreement?
My sister has a child w/ a man but they were never married, but lived together for 8 years. He moved out of their home in January after physically abusing her and he has not been providing any financial help since he left. My sister is having a hard time making it financially and doesn't have any one to help her out. She lives in Texas. I offered for her to move out to Arkansas...
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Arkansas | #3665At what age do I stop paying child support?
I am trying to find out the cut off date for child support. What age are they when you stop paying child support?
05/03/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Louisiana | #3659How would I tell the court that I am pleading the 5th Amendment?
How do I go about making a plea to take the 5th Amendment. What do I say when I go to court and do I need to answer any other questions?
05/03/2007 | Category: Courts » Pleadings | State: California | #3658What can I do as a manager and the employees are not doing their work?
What can I do as a manager and the employees are not doing their work or completing assignmeIf the police ask you to take a polygraph do you have to?nts given to them?
05/03/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #3657How do I change my son's last name to his father's name once we are married?
I have a 3 part question for you: 1. When my son was born I gave him my last name on his birth certificate. The father and I plan to get married and I would like to change my son's name to his father's last name. Does it make it easier or less expensive to change it before or after we get married? 2. I also want to know if I were to purchase the legal forms from this si...
05/03/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Nevada | #3655