Legal Questions and Answers
Can I refude to pay rent until the landlord fixes the sewer problem?
I just started renting a home that apparently has a sewer problem. I have resided in the home for 2 months and have repeatedly asked the landlord to have a plumber come out and inspect the sewer smell that radiates through the house and is particularly bad in the bathroom. The smell will take your breath away in the morning. They had a plumber come out and he said they would ha...
04/30/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Alabama | #3450What is the legal age to purchase real estate in Mississippi?
What is the legal age of a person to purchase real estate in Mississippi?
04/30/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Mississippi | #3438If I am over 18 and I date someone under 18 can I get in trouble by the police?
I am 19 and I really like this girl, but she is 16. If I dated her, would I get in trouble for that?
04/30/2007 | Category: Minors | State: South Carolina | #3436What is a legal separation?
What is a legal separation? Can you force the husband to leave the house? We have 4 children and our own business. I work 2 days a week as the bookkeeper of our own business; will I be able to continue to work? Please help me my children are being effected everyday.
04/30/2007 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Ohio | #3432Where can I find information regarding Pennsylvania’s gift act pertaining to an irrevocable trust?
I would like to get some information regarding Pennsylvania’s gift act pertaining to an irrevocable trust and how it relates to the responsibilities of co-trustees or co-fiduciaries. Please state the applicable statute that applies.
04/30/2007 | Category: Trusts | State: Pennsylvania | #3431HOw do I legally have my name removed from a deed of Trust?
I bought a home with someone and as of today I am no long at this address. How do I legally have my name removed from the loan and the deed?
04/30/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Mississippi | #3427How could my aunt change the irrevocable trust set up by my grandfather?
My grandpa left me an irrevocable trust. How could my aunt change it? I received his part when my dad died but he left an identical one to be distributed upon the death of his wife. A few months before grandma died my aunt had it changed somehow. I got nothing. We are talking at least $500,000.00. I got $160,000.00 when dad died. It had been collecting interest for 10 years whe...
04/29/2007 | Category: Trusts | State: Wisconsin | #3421In Pennsylvania if I am 18 can I refuse to go home or will I be put in jail?
I am 18; if i refuse to go home, can the police send me to jail or force me to go home?
04/29/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Pennsylvania | #3416What are my options when terminating my lease early?
I am a tenant in a residential lease in California. I notified my landlord verbally that I would like to terminate my lease 30 days early due to family difficulties requiring me to relocate (I also gave my notice in writing 30 days before I wished to terminate the lease). My lease specifies that I may not sublet without consent and that I may not use the security deposit to pay...
04/29/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #3415Can I change my mother's name on my birth certificate to list my step mother?
Can I change my mothers name on my birth certificate to my step mothers name? I have never met my birth mother and have lived with my step mother since I was 2 and she is the only mother I have know. I am 18 years old and want to do this for myself.
04/29/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Ohio | #3413