Legal Questions and Answers
Does a Parent With Joint Custody Need to Have a Step-Parent Supervise the Child When Unavailable?
In a joint custody situation (Kansas) is the child required to be with the other parents spouse (step-mom) if the father is not there to care for the child?
01/19/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Kansas | #20523Can I Get Recourse for a Promissory Note Despite Creditors Having Prioritized Security Interests?
In California, do I have any recourse if an ex-spouse decides to renege on a Promissory Note that was issued for unpaid community interest and is secured by the property we once owned jointly? Specifically, I'm in a 3rd position behind two mortgages. Does the fact that my Promissory Note was approved by a judge (unlike the two mortgages in front of me) allow me to seek a judg...
01/19/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: California | #20521Is the sale of a twenty tear old limited partnership interest a criminal and civil violation?
Is the sale and/or purchase of a twenty tear old limited partnership interest a criminal and civil violation of Alabama or federal securities regulations?
01/19/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Alabama | #20517Can a Joint Bank Account Holder Withdraw All the Funds Without Consent of the Other Account Owner?
Can a bank allow a withdrawal of over $100,000. on a joint account with out the consent of both signatories?
01/19/2010 | Category: Banking laws | State: Florida | #20513What Business License Do I Need for Renovation Work and Furniture Sales in Oregon?
I recently started a company that not only does renovations but also builds/sales furniture. My business name is registered--what are all the licenses that I will need? I am currently working on my contractors license but do I need a general business license as well? Anything special for Lincoln county/city?
01/18/2010 | Category: Small Business | State: Oregon | #20509Can a Writ of Bodily Attachment Be Served Outside the State?
Can you be served with a writ of bodily attachment outside the state where it was issued from a civil court?
01/18/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Florida | #20508Can a Non-Professional Organize a Professional Corporation in New Jersey?
Is there any way a non-physician professional can become the sole shareholder/owner of a physician professional corporation and then employ a physician to render patient services?
01/18/2010 | Category: Corporations » Professional... | State: New Jersey | #20503How Do I Cancel a Vacation Club Contract Due to Job Loss?
I, unfortunately, joined a vacation club at the beginning of last year. My husband lost his job and we can no longer pay for this luxury. We gave them a down payment of 750.00 and made a couple of payments of 200.00. We never used any of their services. I feel they have plenty of our money to call it even. What can I do?
01/17/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Florida | #20477Can We Avoid Probate if We Own No Real Estate?
We have no residence, full time in RV, we use a mail service with Texas address, we own no real property, we have substantial stock and bonds, we have Texas wills. With no real proberty,will Texas will avoid propate in all 49 other states if we die there. This is a question that over 1 million full time retired rv ers have.
01/17/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #20476How Can I Void a Settlement Based on Duress?
I signed an MSA that I believe did not meet all the requirements of Texas Code. Could you direct me to the Texas Code that covers what is needed on a Settlement Agreement? My concerns about the MSA. It was not signed by Plaintiff's or Defendant's attorneys. 2) I signed this under extreme duress caused by the following. I was kept in the room for 6 hours. Worn out, my worst fear...
01/17/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Settlements | State: Texas | #20475