Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Transfer Property To an Heir if the Will Isn't Valid?
My wife was left as the soul beneficiary in a will. This will was prepared while the gentleman was incarcerated in Texas. The will and most of the paper work were not notarized because of his location. I need to get the house transferred to my wife's name. What should I do?
06/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #17237Can a Felony be Expunged in California?
My daughter had a felony (theft) in California 7 years ago. Can she have it expunged as Bill Handle as the law purportedly said? She currently resides in Tucson.
06/29/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Arizona | #17236How Do I Evict a Tenant in Massachusetts?
My tenant in Florida owes me $2,550.00 in past due rent as of June 29th, 2009, and late fees totaling $560.00. Total due $3,110.00. His lease expired in October 2008 and has been renting month to month, without a lease. He claimed he wanted to purchase the property. He could not get a loan and is not allowing the Realtor to enter my property...and has changed the locks...
06/29/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Massachusetts | #17235Can A Builder Charge for Changes Without Homeowners Consent if Consent is Required by Contract?
If a contract between a builder and owner states all changes or upgrades must be agreed upon and in writing by both parties, and the builder decided to upgrade the house (by $24,000) without consent, is the owner liable to pay the increase?
06/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Tennessee | #17234Can I Trim Branches of Neighbors Tree Encroaching on My Property?
My neighbor has a tree that is hitting the roof of my house. I told him about this problem and told him I would pay for 1/2 the cost to have this part of the tree cut and any branches that will grow in the future cut. He agreed and said he would get someone to do this. Now he's changed his mind and he doesn't want to do this. Can I have the part of the tree that is hitting my h...
06/28/2009 | Category: Trees | State: New York | #17232Encroachment and Boundary Line Dispute
I have been living in my home in California that my wife and I purchased over 11 years ago. Recently, a neighbor who bought the house on one side of our house about 2 years ago informed me that our fence encroaches over his property line. He wants us to move the fence. This same fence has been there since we bought the house. Do we have any rights under adverse possession s...
06/28/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: California | #17227Does a Horse Owner Need a Release Form in Arizona?
My question is concerning rodeo and horse property. We have a law in Arizona that you can not sue for damage or injury due to a horse event. Is this really true and does it mean I don't have to have a release form if someone rides on my property or if they are working my horses or their horse on my land. If they get injured could they sue me even though the Arizona law states t...
06/28/2009 | Category: Animals | State: Arizona | #17226How Do I Get Former Husband to Comply With Divorce Decree?
The judge ordered a deed of trust to secure assumption. Instead of refinancing the mortgage in his name and paying me the amount due, he put the deed in his mothers name. My attorney said he does not know what to do! My divorce has been going on since 2004 and was final in 2006. All I want is the money owed to me or have the land in my name. Do I file a motion for contempt and ...
06/28/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: Texas | #17225Prescriptive easement dispute, Nebraska.
In 1973 my aunt bought a farm and sold off 5 acres with no written easement at that time. In 1981 she granted a perpetual easement to the lot which was 30' wide. This easement did not include a portion of the drive that cut across the corner where the lot and the 30' easement intersected. The lot also changed owners in 1981 and my aunt told the new owners of the lot that they c...
06/28/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Nebraska | #17224How Do I Know Who the Owner of a Cememtery Plot Is?
How many plots did 'Jane Doe' buy at Oleander Memorial gardens Cemetery?
06/28/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: North Carolina | #17223