Legal Questions and Answers
Do I have to notify my ex-husband that I am remarrying since we have a child?
I have sole custody of my daughter. My ex husband is mentally ill and was in jail several times for aggravated stalking of me. He is now in Tennessee on probation. I am getting re-married and want to know if I even have to tell him. I am concerned for my daughters safety and mine. We still have an active restraining order of no contact.
06/01/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: Florida | #16836Can Past Practice pertain to legal issues other than Labor Agreements?
Can Past Practice pertain to legal issues other than Labor Agreements, even if by another name? This pertains to an incorporated organization (Fire Dept.)
06/01/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Maryland | #16835What legal forms are needed to consolidate my two home loans into one?
I have 2 separate home loans with my parents and I would like to consolidate both loans into one loan at a new fixed annual rate of 4.5%. I currently have a Mortgage (Wisconsin Form 6-S) and Fixed Rate Mortgage Note (Wisconsin Form 6-N) in place for the 2 loans noted. What legal documents or forms do I need to initiate to consolidate the 2 loans into one loan?
05/31/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Wisconsin | #16832What are the defenses for a warrant in debt?
What are the defenses for a warrant in debt?
05/31/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Virginia | #16831Can I have my wife removed from our home before the divorce?
If my wife has already made it clear that she is leaving and has moved her things out of the home; along with changing her address with the SOS, can I have her removed? There are other issues also like immigration fraud and her taking our son to her parents who have over stayed their tourist visa. She refuses to tell me where our son is ,but continues to sleep in my home.
05/31/2009 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Michigan | #16830Can a seller cancel a purchase offer based on contingency if they get a better offer?
Can a seller go back and cancel a purchase agreement if the seller gets a better offer than the one on contingency from buyer?
05/30/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Nebraska | #16829What is the law regarding the 30 days a landlord has to refund a security deposit?
The North Carolina Security Deposit Act states that landlords must return security deposits Within 30 days. If the landlord processes the check on the 30th day and places in the mail are they still compliant? Or, must the tenant have possession of the security deposit by the 30th day?
05/30/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: North Carolina | #16828What rights does my son and myself have against the school for defamation?
My son was involved in an altercation at school. The incident was a result of my son being haraased by another student. This result in a push and shove match and the other student fell. It was determined that no malices was intended by my son. Before this determination was made by law enforcement and with out being witness to the altercation the pricncipal sent out a letter imp...
05/30/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Pennsylvania | #16826How do I divorce my spouse who is in Puerto Rico where we lived?
My husband lives in Puerto Rico. Can I still file for a separation? We own a home together in Puerto Rico. What can I do with a legal separation? Can I take him off my car insurance policy?
05/30/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: New York | #16825Do I legally have to return the down payment money to my ex since he has decided to move out?
My fiance and I purchased a home together. We each put money down as a down payment. My name alone is on the title, however we both signed for the loan. My fiance has since moved out. He is taking legal action against me for the return of the down payment. A rental agreement was signed by him and he is also asking for the equity money back. His attorney is saying I either pa...
05/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Nebraska | #16824