Legal Questions and Answers
What is the form called that the mortgage company needs to show home is ready for occupancy?
Mortgage company is asking for a form from builder, kind of like a certificate of occupancy, stating house is complete and liveable now. What is this called?
03/26/2009 | Category: Contractors | State: Texas | #15763Is a right of first refusal in Texas legal?
I have a piece of real estate which I sold and retained a right of first refusal. The property has since come up for sale and another buyer has a signed contract with the seller. Included with the contract is exhibit A which reads: If the Optionee advises of its election to exercise its option Buyer has the right under this contract to increase the amount of Buyer's offer p...
03/26/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #15762Who gets the money in the bank when my mother in law passes away?
My mother-in-law has $120,000.00 total in to separate banks. My sister-in-law has her name 2nd on both accounts, my wife was told that in the will everything monotarily would be divided equally between her and her sister. Someone told my wife that 2nd on the account gets the money unless the account #'s are listed in the will. We live in Ohio.
03/26/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Ohio | #15761Are those allowed out of prison while in treatment for addiction considered paroled?
Are those allowed out of prison while in treatment for addiction or alcoholism under California proposition 36 considered to be on parole?
03/25/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: California | #15760What recourse do I have to enforce the terms of the divorce decree to collect money owed to me?
My ex-husband and I divorced in August 2004. Currently we have a Property Settlement Agreement signed by the Judge. To date my ex has not been compliant with some of the terms of the PSA which we both agreed and initial before the final divorce decree. i.e pending sale of the marital domicile, all expenditures pertaining to the sale of the house would be split 50/50-the house s...
03/25/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: New Jersey | #15759Is a covenant marriage that will be legal and vaild in Florida?
My fiance and I want a covenant marriage, but we are getting married in Florida, will we be able to apply for a covenant marriage that will be legal and vaild?
03/25/2009 | Category: Marriage | State: Florida | #15758How do I put my home in just my name since my husband is deceased?
My husband passed away over 2 years ago. I would like to have our house deed in my name only, the house is paid for. Is this something I can do through Legal Zoom?
03/25/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Pennsylvania | #15757How do I file a motion to dissolve a writ of garnishment of a bank account?
How do I file a motion to dissolve a writ of garnishment of a bank account that was attained by unlawful preceedings? I can not afford an attorney and have to file the motion myself. So detailed steps are what I need.
03/25/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Garnishment | State: Texas | #15756What are the qualifications to be a resident of a state?
If a person lives in Texas, has a job there, gets mail there, and sees doctors there, are they a resident there even though they did not change their drivers license and are also using a P.O. box in another state where they grew up?
03/25/2009 | Category: Venue | State: Nevada | #15755How do I get my son's personal property if he lived with his girlfriend upon passing?
My son shared a house with his girlfriend. The house is in her name. He passed away on 3/6/09 from cancer. We want his personal items and the girl friend does not want to part with them. Do we have to go to court or is there a form to fill out then take a marshal with me and get his belongings?
03/25/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #15754