Legal Questions and Answers
Can I file a lien to collect past money owed to me?
I have been managing a men's recovery home and the original owner had been paying me cash to do this. As of January 2008 he hasn't payed me. He has since let the property go back to the bank and they are assuming ownership and have asked me to continue managing it. I have approx $8000.00 in back wages coming to me. Am I able to file a lien of any kind to collect this past money...
12/31/2008 | Category: Contracts | State: Iowa | #14892What is the process for eviction of my tenants?
What are the first steps I need to do to evict my tenant?
12/30/2008 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: ALL | #14891What can I do about continual harassment and stalking?
I have been stalked and harassed by my neighbors, his/her friends, family and coworkers of Santa Clara County. This has gone on for 1 yr and 7 months. I have spent thousands on private investigators. I have gone to the Board of Supervisors and have asked for help from the DA's Office. No one has provided me with support, nor have these agencies taken me serious. Last week I cou...
12/30/2008 | Category: Civil Rights | State: California | #14890Should I file the Durable Power of Attorney for both of my living parents?
I have been assigned Durable Power of Attorney for both of my living parents. Should I file it with any particular entity to record it and validate it?
12/30/2008 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: ALL | #14889Is it a crime to misrepresent a property?
We bought a small cabin and two adjacent lots in Big Bear California. The property was listed as a fixer upper and in as is condition. As we approached the end of escrow we were alerted by the Escrow Company that on of the lots had a lean against it set by the city for substandard conditions. The lien included all three lots and the cabin. After obtaining a copy of the lien an...
12/30/2008 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: California | #14888Grandparents need Guardianship of grandchildren
My sister (age 35) left her 3 children to move to another part of the state (Hickory). She left 2 of her children with their grandparents (whom herself and all 3 kids were living with prior to her leaving) and left her youngest with the child's birth father. She is providing no financial support. She calls 2-3 times per week. She has taken their Food Stamps with her. She let t...
12/30/2008 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: North Carolina | #14887What form is needed to quickly deed the property to my wife?
My wife and I have been seperatated for over three years. We have not taken any legal action on seperation or divorce. She and our minor children are still living in the house that we lived in while married. She is making the mortgage payments on her own. She needs to have the roof replaced and has contacted social services that will do the work for free - provided her name is ...
12/30/2008 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Washington | #14886How do I collect half of my children's SSI since we share custody 50/50?
I have 2 disabled children over 21 yrs and am trying to get 1/2 of their ssi payment from my divorced wife. I have 50/50 custody of them and their mother will not pay me my portion of the money for their care. What forms do I need to file to go to court to take care of this?
12/30/2008 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Colorado | #14885I am divorcing and want to be compensated for my time and energy put into building our home
What lien forms do I fill out for this situation? My wife and I because of a sale of a piece of property being sold to a developer and the city taking its time to approve the sale, we had to find a new place to live. My mother-in-law co-signed for our new place. We had a agreement to pay her back when the home that was tied upin sale, sold. Since then my wife and I have separa...
12/30/2008 | Category: Power of Att... » Real Estate | State: Washington | #14884What needs to be done before property can be sold to me whose owners are deceased?
I am buying a lot that is scheduled to go to a tax foreclosure auction in 2-1/2 weeks. The lot is in the name of 2 men who are both deceased. Their wives have offered to sell me the lot, but I need to make it happen very quickly so that I can pay off the back taxes and other liens before the lot is sold at auction. I believe that Washington is a Joint Tenancy State, but neithe...
12/30/2008 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Washington | #14883