Legal Questions and Answers
Is an adopted child considered issue for purposes of inheritance?
If a child is legally adopted and the biological father gave up all legal rights, is this child considered the biological fathers 'issue' at time of the death of the bio father?
12/07/2008 | Category: Adoption | State: Nevada | #14759If you can't read is it legal for a police officer to have you to sign a waiver of Miranda rights?
If you can't read or write is it legal for a police officer to have you to sign a waiver of Miranda rights? (state of Missouri).
12/07/2008 | Category: Criminal | State: Missouri | #14758Does ex wife have right to move son to another state?
My ex-wife is attempting to move to South Dakota with my 4 yr old son who I have 43% of the time each year. What are the chances she will be able to move with my son from WI?
12/07/2008 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Wisconsin | #14757Can a Small Estate Affadavit be used when property is valued at $80,000.00? What would be used instead?
Can a Small Estate Affadavit be used when property is valued at $80,000.00? What would be used instead?
12/07/2008 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: New York | #14756What recourse do we have for a contractor charging us more after we have paid what we owed to him?
We started an addition on our house in May 2008, It was supposed to be completed in 3 months time. Our contractor just finished first week of December. He came to collect the final payment, we withheld $500.00 because we did not have the CO. We told him when we get the CO we would gladly give him the money. He finally got our CO and we were going to give him the 500.00 and ...
12/06/2008 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: New York | #14749How do I put a lien on a building I have money invested in?
I have invested in a building. I have a quit claim deed on the property, but I would also like to put a lien on the building to protect my interests. What do I need to do? Where do I file this, and what form do I need?
12/05/2008 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #14747If I am threatened by a hunter with a firearm do I have the right to defend myself by deadly force?
I live in Arkansas and own several acres of wooded property around the house in which I live. Every year I have problems with hunters trespassing. If I am threatened by a hunter with a firearm do I have the right to defend myself using deadly force? I also possess a concealed handgun permit.
12/05/2008 | Category: Criminal | State: Arkansas | #14746How does a petition to partition property work?
How does a petition to partition property work?
12/05/2008 | Category: Real Property | State: New Hampshire | #14745How can a grandparent or aunt gain guardianship over child?
How can a grandparent or aunt gain guardianship over child?
12/04/2008 | Category: Guardianship | State: Massachusetts | #14744What is the procedure for properly 'funding' a revocable living trust?
What is the procedure for properly 'funding' a revocable living trust by placing a home into the trust? By way of background, my husband and I (who live in Mecklenburg County North Carolina)recently used the USLegal Forms site to purchase and complete a will, living will, and power of attorney documents which we are about to place into a bank safe deposit box. We also recent...
12/04/2008 | Category: Trusts | State: North Carolina | #14743