Legal Questions and Answers
If I am late on the rent, can the landlord harass me until I pay?
Last month and this month I've had to pay my rent late. However, instead of sending me something in writing about the late rent my landlord likes to come knocking on my door. One time as early as 6:00 am. Can he call or come by the apartment that early in the morning?
11/06/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Virginia | #11704What is the age of majority in South Carolina?
Our 16 year old daughter has talked about moving out when she turns 17 to live with friends. Could you tell me what her legal rights are (and possibly what our rights are)? At what age is she allowed to move out on her own without parental consent in South Carolina?
11/05/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: South Carolina | #11687If I was never indicted on a felony charge is it still on my criminal record?
I had a felony charge and was indicted in Kentucky but the case was dismissed, with prejudice. How can I get this off my record?
11/05/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Kentucky | #11679Why is the landlord charging me for water and lights because I choose not to get those services?
My leasing contract has stated that the apartment complex in which I live in will not furnish water and electricity. As a result, the residents are suppose to contact the city and attain an account by which they will be charged for water and electricity. Now, my apartment complex is now charging me for water and electricity, when I do not have a written or verbal contract stati...
11/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #11678If I terminate my parental rights, what am I actually terminating?
I am the father to 3 children and I have gone to court twice since divorcing thier mother. I have had to fight to see my children and now they are being placed in the middle of a constant visitation battle. They (the children) are now forced to contact me by their mother, when their mother has been denied changes to my visitation weekend, and say they no longer want to come for...
11/05/2007 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Idaho | #11674My landlord has filed a court action against me because I will not pay rent until he makes repairs
I have not paid my rent because there are maintainence issues that have been promised to complete and have been ignored. My landlord has filed against me in the courts for non-payment of rent, but I have been made broken prmises. What do I need to do?
11/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Michigan | #11665What are the requirements to collect spousal support when leaving a marriage?
If I want a Seperation from my spouse for spousal mental abuse where can I go and get help. My husband is a pervert we have only been married 3 yrs and I started finding nude pics on his pc and reciepts from nude bars. He stands over me at night doing wierd things. He is in charge of all the money in the household and he made me quit my job when we first got married so now I...
11/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: South Carolina | #11663What does plenary guardian of person and estate mean?
What does plenary guardian of person and estate mean?
11/05/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Pennsylvania | #11662Can my driving privileges be suspended for not paying child support?
I was given an order by the court to have my driver's license re-instated on September 4, 2007, and on November 2, 2007 presented the Court Order to The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, Division of Driver's Licenses, and they refused to complie with the Order Stating that they would not re-instate my driving privaleges that the child support enforcement office would have t...
11/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Florida | #11661If I terminate my parental rights will I still have to pay child support?
Can a parent give up rights to the child if they discover he is the father and will he still have to pay child support?
11/05/2007 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Texas | #11660