Legal Questions and Answers
Wife wants a divorce. We are both teachers with pensions, but the two pension programs are different. Hers is w/o payroll ded...
Wife wants a divorce. We are both teachers with pensions, but the two pension programs are different. Hers is w/o payroll deduction and so is a tad less generous than mine because my pension plan requires a contribution of about $160/mo. Question: Can wife take 1/2 of contributions to my pension for the 17 years we were teachers?
10/21/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Michigan | #10669Will I be Entitled to Receive Alimony
My husband and I have been married for almost three years, but want a divorce. I did not work during our marriage because he did not want me to work. Will I be entitled to alimony?
10/21/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Ohio | #10655Do you have to have a parents consent in order to be an emancipated minor?
Do you have to have a parents consent in order to be an emancipated minor?
10/20/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Virginia | #10636Rule 21 of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure
I'm trying to find information on Colorado's Rule 21.
10/20/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Ohio | #10631Is a notary required in TEXAS on a bill of sale of a sail boat in order for it to be binding.
Is a notary required in TEXAS on a bill of sale of a sail boat in order for it to be binding.
10/20/2007 | Category: Contracts | State: Texas | #10627Rights to Husband's Pension after Divorce
If my husband and I get divorced, do I have a right to his pension? Can half of his pension be drawn out as a settlement? We have been married 23 years. My Husband has two pensions plans, one from a position he held for 16 years and his current position which he has held for the last 7 years.
10/20/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Ohio | #10626Landlord's Obligation to a Tenant at Will
What is the full extent of a landlord's legal obligation to a tenant-at-will whereby said tenant is justified in withholding rent when those obligations are not being met?
10/20/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Massachusetts | #10613Rules for Claiming Abandoned Propane Tank
I have changed propane carriers and the previous carried has not removed their tank from my property. It was scheduled a month before I changed carriers. The scheduled date came and went to no avail. I emailed the corporate office telling them I would charge a storage fee on the third day. When I called the local office, they told me it would be two more weeks. Can I charge a s...
10/20/2007 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Utah | #10612Early Termination of Lease
I signed a year lease and moved out 3 months into it and there is no early termination fee. They are not in any hurry to rent my apartment because there are others available. I was wondering if there is anything I can do in this situation?
10/19/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #10606What is the penalty for criminal intent to cause bodily harm with a vechicle in Indiana?
What are the penalties a person can recieve for 3 counts of criminal intent to cause bodily harm with a vechicle in Indiana?
10/19/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Indiana | #10605