Legal Questions and Answers
What recourse do I have if my landlord neer disclosed the house I rented is for sale?
I rented a home and signed a one year lease. I've been living there for two months. Yesterday my landlord informed me the house is for sale, and that I will be required to show it to potential buyers. When I moved in and signed the lease, there was no mention of the property being for sale, or I NEVER would've moved in. What rights do I have in this situation? I don't want...
05/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #4148What is an acceptable amount of time to receive information from your attorney?
We are currently working with a lawyer who doesn't really seem to be all that knowledgable in child support cases. He had assured us that he was. We paid $750 up front and provided all financial documentation. He stated that he charges $75/hr. We went to court once but the plaintiff didn't show up. He said that he "needed to put time on the books so we talked for an hour a...
05/08/2007 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Ohio | #4147I am in a divorce and my husband is trying to sell the home without my permission?
My husband and I have a Property Settlement Agreement. We own a home together, he is in sole possession of the home. Is he allowed to sell the home without my signature on the sales contract. My realtor says no, I must sign. He is trying to list it without me. Is that legal?
05/08/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Virginia | #4146What is a Legal Brief?
I would like to know what a legal brief is? The Judge ordered the employee to write one against the union, in which we are trying to vote them (union) out. What information is written in it? What does it look like? I need a format to follow.
05/08/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: New York | #4143What can we do if the landlord refuses to make needed repairs to the house?
My husband and I have been renting a house and we were planning on purchasing it. Unfortunatly the house has many repairs that no bank will finance. The landlord has had the utilities in his name and when we explained to him that we were unable to finance the house until he fixes the problems in the house he had our gas disconected with out notifing us a head of time. We though...
05/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Ohio | #4139Where can I find Illinois statues regarding constructive discharge of an employed individual?
Where can I find Illinois statues regarding constructive discharge of an employed individual?
05/08/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Illinois | #4137What can my husband do if his ex-wife took the vehicle awarded to him in the divorce without asking?
My husband's ex-wife took his jeep from work. In their divorce it says (wife transfers to husband as his sole and separate property the following 2004 Jeep wrangler) does she have a right now to take it becouse her name is on the loan and she did not like the fact that we got married?
05/08/2007 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Missouri | #4136What is the definition of a Sub-Contractor?
I work for a non-profit organization as a bartender. To save money, they are asking us if we would consider being subcontractors instead of employees;is this a legal move and what is the definition of subcontractor? I was informed at one time that you can not be considered a subcontractor if they tell you what time to come to work and leave or supply you with equipment to per...
05/08/2007 | Category: Contractors » SubContractors | State: Missouri | #4130What happens when someone dies with no will?
My stepfather died with no will. He had a son, step-son and step-daughter. How does his property get settled?
05/08/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Pennsylvania | #4122Can my daughter be served a three day eviction notice if she is behind on the rent?
What is the eviction law in Kitsap County, Washington State? My daughter was just served with a 3 day pay or eviction notice today. She says that she has been given no earlier notices. Is this legal? She asked the off site manager to let her know if they did not receive the rent by the 15th of the month and now they are stating that she didn't pay last month or this month a...
05/07/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #4102